Localhero OXP

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 22:08, 4 July 2009 by Svengali (talk | contribs)

<img src="lh_gcilogo.png" align="right" alt="banner" height="120px" width="120px" border="0pt">



This campaign comes with a lot of different missions, a ranking system, special missions and a bonus system. Difficulty is easy for the first missions, but it's getting harder if you succeed. You will need a well suited ship, a big potion of luck and good strategies to accomplish all missions - so any extra equipment is welcome. And... don't forget to use your weapon arsenal. You will need it.

The main goal for rescripting Localhero was to create a complex mission campaign that is still playable even on slower machines. I've stripped down the models details, reduced the texture sizes and compressed all scripts to the minimum (sometimes even more), so it's no bleeding edge oxp and should work on most machines. For better control about ressources I've extracted the music and soundfiles into additional packs. If installed (like any other oxp) Localhero will use these files automagically, but they are not necessary to play Localhero.

Background and History

Welcome Commander.
I'm Major Hurst, your leading officer for the next weeks.

Commander. In last days we've had some trouble out there. Traders have been kidnapped or killed and a lot of people are worrying about security problems in our systems. The Galactic Cooperation has founded a special squad to ensure that the political stabilty won't be harmed anymore and the high coucil has modified the Penal Code. But we still need experienced pilots to meet this threat.

<img src="lh_carrier.png" align="right" alt="banner" height="70px" width="120px" border="1pt"> If you'd accept this offer you will become a member of the GCI Special Operation Squad 'Harkov', named after an Ex-General who has changed sides and you'll get the chance to show your skills. It is dangerous, believe me, but we are the last barrier before systems will fall into total anarchy. Harkov is our 'Enemy #1', well equipped, highly intelligent and has good contacts mostly to Confederacy Systems and their political leaders. So we are expecting (and the last days have already shown) that Harkovs gang is present in these systems. We need more informations about Harkov, his gang and his plans and it will be your job to bring in some of his pilots. Alive!

<img src="lh_restricted.png" align="right" alt="banner" height="58px" width="120px" border="1pt"> You'll meet a lot of new ship types out there. The Galactic Cooperation has started a test program for new fighters and carriers and you'll visit places that are usually not meant for public eyes. I can't tell you more, your security ranking is not high enough, but this will change some day - if you'll join. But GCI is not only there to fight against piracy. In Harkovs case our secondary goal is to find out more about his relationships to politicians and navy officers.

<img src="lh_shuttle.png" align="right" alt="banner" height="46px" width="120px" border="1pt"> We know that politics is sometimes dirty business and our president of the Galactic Cooperation has authorized GCI to investigate in some special affairs related to district governors. But better forget this business - better for you. It won't be your task.

We'll stay in touch, so be prepared for some holiday trips.
Hurst, over and out.


This mission pack is placed in the first five galaxies on all high-tech confederacy worlds. Harkov knows where the honeypods are.


This OXP can be downloaded from the following links:
Localhero v1.00  (678KB) requires Oolite v1.69.x and does not work in later versions
Localhero v1.01  (679KB) requires Oolite v1.70 and is only for reference.

Java-Script version:
Localhero v1.04  (819KB) requires Oolite v1.70 (Updated 01.04.2008)
Localhero v1.05  (816KB) requires Oolite v1.71.x (Updated 27.04.2008)


Oolite_Missions Page that lists mission OXPs
OXP List of all available OXPs