Jason Togneri

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 14:53, 17 January 2008 by Break (talk | contribs)

Jason Togneri has written several stories set in the ArcElite universe. He is a fairly prolific writer of FEU fiction, also known as 'Break' on the EBBS, and he maintains the infamous CSOL.


The Complete Ship/Object Listing is, just as it says, a complete list of ships and major unique objects in the Elite universe, from versions such as the original BBC Elite and the abandoned BBC Elite 2, through Elite-A, ArcElite, and sequels, right to FE2, FFE and Oolite. It combines ship notes as to game versions, and demonstrates which ships and objects are common to all. It also reproduces the OffRat/DefRat ratings from the ArcElite ship stats.

Stories, HTML

Stories, PDF

Because PDFs seem to be all the rage these days.

Stories Lost

External Sites

Jason's ArcElite site, 'Gold Edition'