Fuel Scoops

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Revision as of 12:31, 17 February 2006 by Selezen (talk | contribs) (Added infobox and fixed some typos, plus adding content from the manual development.)
Fuel Scoops
Fuel scoop small.jpg
Name Fuel/Cargo Scoop
Cost 525
TL Availability 5


Fuel Scoops, alternately known as Cargo Scoops, are considered essentials for deep space and danger zone trading, have a standardised design and a standard fitment. They use powerful electro-magnetic fields to guide the solar wind into their ReQax convertors to fill the Witch-Space fuel condensors, and may also may be used to pick up small space debris.


In the above illustration, the green highlight quadrant shows the space flotsam ingestion zone.

Fuel scoops provide a quick and easy way to refuel the spacecraft without the need to purchase fuel from space stations. They combine a sensitive magnetic field generator, an atomic sensor and a vacuum lock emitter to actively suck hydrogen from the corona of a star. The system is intelligent enough to detect compounds containing hydrogen and can separate the elements in order to extract the hydrogen. The hydrogen is then processed in a catalytic chamber, converted to Quirium and injected into the vessel’s storage tanks. All this with no leaking of gases or radiation.

In addition, the scoop’s sensor matrix can sense dense (non gaseous) objects, such as cargo containers or metallic fragments, and divert them via a tractor chute into the ship’s hold. This allows for salvage of space debris and is an essential piece of an asteroid miner’s equipment.

Use: Fuel scoops automatically operate whenever the advanced sensors detect either an object in range or a particle density of greater than 100 ppm3. To scoop an object, pilot the ship so that it passes just above the object. To scoop hydrogen fuel into the converters from a star's corona, carefully fly the ship into the corona, watching the cabin temperature indicator carefully. When the scoops engage, a message will be shown to indicate this. Do not let the cabin temperature climb too high.


Scooping Fuel ('Skimming')

To scoop fuel from a star's corona, a ship of moderate speed should have Witchdrive Fuel Injectors installed, or else be prepared to quickly hyperspace out. Secondly, to make sure the sun is not too hot (this will take some practice) so scooping won't result in certain death. Approach the star. Fly at top speed as you'll want to exit again as soon as possible. Close to the sun the cabin temperature will start to rise (and continue until it reaches the top of the gauge, at which point life support systems will fail and you will die an agonising death). Once the scoops auto-initialise, level out just above the coronal horizon. When the tank is full, exit by hyperjumping or engage the fuel injectors to go directly away from the sun at first possible moment. Be sure to seek expert advice from a veteran pilot, as far too many young Jamesons have succumbed to a fiery death.

Commander Dilbert's Guide to 'Failsafe' Sun Skimming

This technique works with every sun I've ever tried skimming, whether you have Witchdrive Fuel Injectors fitted or not.

Hyperspace directly into the star...
It looks alarming but eventually your drive will mass-lock at a reasonable altitude.
Pull back on the stick, position your gun sights on the star's horizon and just cruise (use injectors if you have 'em) until your tanks fill up with magic sunshine.

Be sure to keep an eye on your altitude and cabin temperature, and have an emergency hyperdrive location set just in case.

Footnote for newcomers: Don't forget inertia. It'll take a while for your cabin to heat up - and cool down again. If you're looking at a blinking red Cabin Temperature gauge, you're most likely barbeque fuel already.

Scooping Debris ('Feeding')

With a fuel scoop installed, you may scoop up an object (cargo cannisters, minerals, life pods) by framing the target in the lower part of the viewscreen while flying right up to it. Some vessels with off-centre viewer positions may require additional practice. Nearly all pirate vessels have scoops fitted so they can blast their prey apart and sift among the wreckage, rather than to attempt docking with a hostile craft.

Commander Dilbert's Guide to Cargo Scooping

Craft: Cobra Mark III
Scoop Location: Directly below cockpit

That silly Python's gone and lost its lunch.
And now the careless fellow has exploded!
Well someone should clean up the mess...

Up the nose a bit and lose a little speed...
...there! All tidy now.

Commander Dilbert



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