Biarge United Shipyards

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Revision as of 16:00, 2 January 2021 by Montana05 (talk | contribs)


Hand me a ship and we will return you a weapon - the motto of Biarge United Shipyards never failed, they are famous all over the sectors to modify any given ship to a (very) deadly attack craft.

In the humble beginnings, there was just a backyard repair shop, mostly making a living from scavenging and small ship repairs. However, one day the team found a wrecked Green Gecko and hit the jackpot. After months of studying the remains from this ship the Gecko "Dragon Class" was designed, the beginning of the biggest and most influential shipyard of all Multi-Government worlds.

While nobody knew how their invention would be received on the open market they made sure that every single system and the entire design was protected by GalCop patents which covered every sector. Finally, their first 10 fighters were offered at the system main-station. After the first skepticism and some test-flights, the orders started to pour in, individuals, organizations, and governments intended to buy 100's of ships every day, soon the reservations reached 5000. While booking every available space in shipyards in sector 1 several workshops and a space-dock in Biarge were purchased, Biarge Shipyard Ltd was founded.




Located in Biarge in the Iron Stars region of Galaxy One.