Asp Mk.I

From Elite Wiki
ship name::Asp Mark I
Asp MkI sm.png
Size (W×H×L) 69m×ship height::18m×ship length::60m
Cargo capacity ship cargo capacity::3 TC
Cargo bay extension ship cargo extension::N/A
Maximum speed ship speed::0.36 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 1.0
Pitch: 2.0
Energy banks ship energy banks::N/A
Energy recharge rate

Good (ship energy recharge::3.5)

Gun mounts Fore, Aft,
Port, Starboard
Missile slots ship missile slots::1
Shield boosters available ship supports shield booster::Yes
Military shields available ship supports mil shields::Yes
Hyperspace capable ship can hyperspace::Yes
OXP or standard {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP
Available to player ship is player flyable::Yes
Base price ship base price::250,000₢

Asp Series

In the early days of the Galactic Navy, the military lacked high speed reconnaissance capability and commissioned the Government Workshops to develop a suitable ship. The Asp as designed in response to this need, and was filled for an alternate role as VIP transport. The Mk I was not used in significant numbers and was quickly replaced by the Asp Mk 2 which was slightly larger and more powerful, providing a more versatile craft. The increase of storage also improved the potential as a lightweight transport, a role not well suited to the overly small Asp I.

A non military version of the Asp named the Explorer was released some time later, but never made the impact of the Mk II which is still seen by many as the best of the Asp series.

The Asp Mk I

The smallest, lightest, and earliest incarnation of the Asp, the Mk I was rushed into production leaving several areas open to improvement. Due to the rushed implementation, the Mk I was not hugely successful, but it did boast a number of interesting design features, all of which were carried through to the later Mk II. The best known innovation of the Asp was the advanced pilot identification and linked self destruct systems which for the first time effectively removed theft as a risk for a small high value vessel. Arguably just as significant, but often overlooked as a feature was the "Chameleon" hull enhancement which provided the only real stealth capability as yet made public

From the original ReadMe

Asp Mk I and Asp Explorer with new HUDs
Submitted by Wolfwood on Tue, 2006-04-25 08:27.

Asp Mark I is based on the model used for Asp in ArcElite, which is very different from any Asp in any other version of the Elite. It offers a slightly smaller, poor man's version of the Asp Mk II, a bit smaller, a bit weaker but with a very small amount of cargo space.

ArcElite also professed a variant Asp model that is different enough from the one used above to warrant a separate ship. This one is called Asp Explorer (after the Asp in FFE) and it is somewhere between Asp Mk I and Asp Mk II in speed, but slightly above Mk II in strength. But it is also a bit larger than the regular Asp Mk II and is slower at roll and pitch.

Additionally, because of its size, the ship also has a large tank for fuel, allowing almost two consecutive jumps without the necessity to refuel at the local sun.

Both of these ships come with a re-imagined HUD. The package also includes a HUD for the regular Asp Mark II, for those who want to use it for the regular ship (but you'll have to edit the shipdata for Asp Mk2 yourself).


The Asp Mk.I is found in the Wolfwood's Variants OXP.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use the Neolite Wolfies OXP, then you should not use this OXP as the Neolite one replaces this.

Custom Paintjobs


Classic Asps

Other OXP Asps
