Oolite JavaScript Reference: Planet

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 13:21, 11 May 2008 by Kaks (talk | contribs) (Properties)

Prototype: Entity
Subtypes: none

This class was added in Oolite test release 1.70.

The Planet class is an Entity representing a planet or moon. A Planet has all the properties and methods of a Entity, and several others.



isMainPlanet : Boolean (read-only)

true if the entity is the main planet of the current system, false otherwise.


hasAtmosphere : Boolean (read-only)

true if the entity has an atmosphere, false otherwise. Planets created with the System.addMoon() method (or corresponding legacy scripting method) have no atmosphere, other planets do.


radius : Number (read-only)

The equatorial radius of the planet, in metres.



function setTexture(texture: String)

This method was added in Oolite test release 1.71.

Uses the texture file (must be a .png) as texture for the planet. This function only works when called during the shipWillExitWitchspace and shipWillLaunchFromStation events.