Galaxy Two SecComs

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Revision as of 09:03, 28 November 2007 by Matt634 (talk | contribs)
SecCom Chart of Galaxy One

Sector Number Planet Name Planet Number
Sector Command 1 Aanteso 1, 248
Sector Command 2 Laraisso 1, 135
Sector Command 3 Gexein 1, 106
Sector Command 4 Vezaaes 1, 82
Sector Command 5 Xeatxe 1, 150
Sector Command 6 Texebi 1, 182
Sector Command 7 Bebege 1, 33
Sector Command 8 Atzaxe 1, 48
Sector Command 9 Ratite 1, 227
Sector Command 10 Anusa 1, 96
Sector Command 11 Ceinerxe 1, 127
Sector Command 12 Isonza 1, 202
Sector Command 13 Titequ 1, 243
Sector Command 14 Onmate 1, 170