Navy SecCom Station
Navy SecCom Station | |
![]() | |
Size (metres, W×H×L) | 800 x 800 x 800 |
Cargo capacity | N/A |
Cargo bay extension | N/A |
Maximum speed | N/A |
Manoeuvrability | N/A |
Energy banks | N/A |
Energy recharge rate | 4 |
Gun mounts | N/A |
Missile slots | N/A |
Shield boosters available | N/A |
Military shields available | N/A |
Hyperspace capable | N/A |
OXP or standard | OXP |
Available to player | No |
Base price | Not for sale |
The Galactic Navy is organized into regional Sector Commands governed by individual Sector Commanders or SecComs. SecComs operate autonomously but are ultimately answerable to the Navy Commander-in-Chief. Each Galaxy is divided into 14 Sector Commands, and each Sector Command has home system within its sector. These home systems are highly militarized and are never based in anarchy or feudal systems.
Notable Features
Each Navy Sector Command has an independent station in orbit around the planet of its home system. At least one Carrier Group is assigned to each Sector Command. SecComs in particularly hostile regions may be assigned additional Carrier Groups as needed. Traders and tourists are permitted to visit SecCom stations, but any offense will result in immediate destruction.
Navy SecCom Stations are a part of the Galactic Navy OXP available here