
From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 22:50, 9 August 2007 by Drew (talk | contribs)


This is a short story based on Oolite, written by Drew Wagar

"Lumbering through the back stories of Elite and Oolite are the Generation Ships; huge self contained transports driving between the stars at sublight speeds in the midst of thousand year journeys to populate new planets. After 30 generations, a staggering truth is revealed to the occupants of one such ship.."

Readers are welcome to submit feedback and comments to the author via his website.

Downloads / Hardcopy

You can download the story in PDF format here. Please note the 'Creative Commons' license contained within.


Schism is set somewhere in the current Elite/Oolite timeframe and investigates what might be occuring within the hull of these enormous generation ships after 30 generations in space...