NPC equipment damage OXP
NPC Equipment Damage 0.2.1 by Ngalo
Does what it says on the tin: allows NPC equipment to get damaged in combat, as much like the core player damage handling as I can manage.
Also damages NPC cargo, because Oolite does both with the same code for the player.
Newest Version (not on Expansions Manager)
Tsoj found a few bugs (damage probability calculation was way too low compared to what Oolite does for the player, and a typo made the OXP incompatible with N-Shields), that he fixed.
Here is the new version: NPC Equipment Damage OXP 0.3.0. This includes the manifest fix by phkb.
Note on code
OXP equipment which needs to be disabled by script when damaged can push a handler onto the worldScripts.NPC_Equipment_Damage.NPC_equipmentDamagedHandlers array.
Note that such handlers will be called as if they were in the damaged ship's script, not your worldScript.
A simple example handler from my NPC Energy Units OXP:
this.NPC_energy_equipmentDamaged = function(equipment)
if (equipment == "EQ_NPC_NAVAL_ENERGY_UNIT") this.ship.energyRechargeRate /= worldScripts.NPC_Energy_Units.NEU_multiplier;
if (equipment == "EQ_NPC_ENERGY_UNIT") this.ship.energyRechargeRate /= worldScripts.NPC_Energy_Units.EEU_multiplier;
You may use, adapt, distribute etc. this Oolite Expansion Pack as permitted by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License (CC-BY-NC-SA).
Version history
- 0.3.0 Tsoj made the oxp fairer to players, and fixed compatibility with N-Shields
- 0.2.3 Phkb made the oxp AppleMac compliant
- 0.2.1 Added a small fix which prevents time-wasting if the damaged ship is about to die anyway.
- 0.2 Made use of compatibility improvements in Ship Configuration OXP.
- Prevented the script from trying to damage equipment which is already damaged, or which can't be damaged at all.
- 0.1.1 Fixed 'quantity is not defined' bug in cargo damage code
- 0.1 Initial WIP release