Lave OXP

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Revision as of 19:51, 11 November 2021 by Cholmondely (talk | contribs) (Note on Lore)
Learner pilot's Trinket

This OXP adds all the features to the Lave System that are described in The Dark Wheel novella, but weren’t originally there to see in the game.

Learner pilots practice in Trinket ships near the station under the command of an instructor, Restaurant Junks ply their trade, Ad-Droids broadcast Ads, a small moon is added and more! It also bumps up Lave's tech level (useful for buying kit, and if you run SW Economy, you can now buy medicine).


Download Lave v1.71 OXP. Alternate download on here.

Note that it is an .oxp and needs to be put in the AddOns folder (not an .oxz which would reside in the ManagedAddOns folder!). See OXP for details.

Written by Murgh before 13th Feb 2006, updated by him in May 2006. Updated by Kaks‎ in 2008. Updated anonymously in 2009.


This oxp replicates the Lave described in the Dark Wheel (and also meshes with the Drew's Oolite Saga). The Oolite community in those days featured many who came into Oolite from Elite via Frontier, where the The Old Worlds region was peculiar in consisting of one planet with no moon - Lave's Basta being the exception, but not a true moon.

Murgh, who wrote this oxp, also wrote Diso OXP which adds more planets to the Diso system. But for others, the old "Old Worlds" definition was important. More recent ambience oxp's which add planets, play havoc with this older definition, and add more planets and moons to the Lave system too.


There seems to be no license!
