
From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 23:51, 23 October 2021 by Cholmondely (talk | contribs) (OXPs (wiki pages): Added more)

Charlie was active in the Oolite community for a short while between 2006-8.

Creative, and pushing the game code to its limits, he designed a large number of ships.

He tried to create a Black Hole, he did create an oxp introducing new planets in each system, and created a bizarre new ship, the Orb.

OXPs (wiki pages)

Charlies Box of goodies

Charlie's Collection
  • Charlie's Collection in Box: (2006-8): link thanks to cbr
Adds - 20 advertisements for Benulobiweed Inc. ships
For Ahruman - cobra and orb demos
Ships - Condor, Falcon, Kestrel, Merlin, Navy Starships (Navy Interceptor & Constitution), Pallas & Swift (with older versions)
Ordinance - empty
Black Hole - empty (unfinished project)
Beta - Asteroids & planets+moons (new skins - 2006): See plannets.oxp - is it still working? (2008)
Benulobiweed text - more on the background of this great company. - Meshwork graphics (not a recommended package for post-v.1.65 Oolite).

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