Ionics OXP
From Elite Wiki
The Ionics OXP aims to enhance the northeast corner of Galaxy 2 with a number of interlocking missions revolving around a rich storyline. The OXP also contains 3 new ships available to the player:
The organisations featured in the OXP are:
- The Link, a clandestine organisation that aspires to rid the known Ooniverse of oppressive regimes.
- The Ramaza Liberation Front, a rebel group opposing the Ramazan government's reign.
- The Ionics Corporation, an aerospace group based in Zaria.
If you are interested in helping out with the OXP, you can contact the author via this articles talk page or on the Ionics thread at Oolite Bulletins.
Version 1.3
- Set Link Base commodities
- Add pictures to mission screens
- Make new ships launch from stations instead of spawning in space
- Move battle to Link Base
- Improve spacelane in Zaria etc.
- Improve Funnelweb (ballturrets, docking bay, etc.)
- Improve the Link Base (cladding, turrets, lights, warning messages, etc.)
External views on all player shipsAll battleships now carry military lasers, fuel injectors and Q-bombsAdded mission destinations markers on star chartBugfix: Ramaza stats now change universally when war is over
Version 2.0
- Calculate kills by player
- Setup ranking system for The Link and award medals
- Add Link HQ at Bebege
- Write random mini-missions in sector
- Assassinate dictator mission
- War in Legeara
Version 1.2.1
- New texture for the Huntsman
- Bugfix: Don't require ACCEPT_OFFER_1 as condition at Zaria
- Make some sort of weapons platform for use in the battle (fire plasma, missiles, etc.)
- Rearranged Ramazan war and improved AI.
Version 1.2
- Fixed ships to suit external view
- Change planets government & productivity after war
- 'When the war is over' scripting
- Fix 'congrats' message coming from Funnelweb
- Restrict amount of pirates and traders in Ramaza during war
- Move the Link base and the battle away from the primary station
- Make the Whitetail bigger (doubled the size)
Version 1.1
- Write a readme file
- Restrict purchase of Ionics ships to galaxy 1
- Restrict spawning of Ionics ships to galaxy 1
Can be downloaded from Oosat2