New Cargoes

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Revision as of 18:12, 18 August 2021 by Cholmondely (talk | contribs) (Tweaks! Larger picture with legend (moved it too), links)

New Cargoes adds over 100 new trade goods to the 8 galaxies. Each new good is a more specific variety of one of the generic cargoes: valuable to the right buyer, largely worthless otherwise. In addition, a variety of new trading opportunities are available.

New Cargoes is designed to allow other OXPs to add cargoes, traders, and events to the universe as a framework, in addition to the cargoes and opportunities including in New Cargoes itself.

The specialist market is found on the F4 ship/station interface


The current version of New Cargoes is 1.2.3. Download 1.2.3 and install in the usual way. This moves access to the New Cargoes trading to the new Interfaces screen (F4)

Other OXPs

  • Sothis.oxp & SothisTC.oxp combined provide Sothis orbital stations in Corporate States only where one can read TraderNet for free and where there are more market opportunities for New Cargoes goods.

Other OXPs that affect cargo handling are compatible with New Cargoes.

  • HyperCargo, if installed, should be at least version 1.07. If you take an open contract, you should take care to avoid placing the open contract's cargo in the HyperCargo at any time, as you may lose it if you do.
  • Illegal Goods Tweak, if installed, should be at least version 1.7

Warning: Smugglers is incompatible with New Cargoes

Using New Cargoes

Once New Cargoes is installed, load your saved game or start a new one. If this is the first time you have loaded the game since installing or upgrading New Cargoes, you should wait a couple of seconds before continuing, to ensure that all New Cargoes data is initialised properly.

In version 1.1.0 or earlier: At a main station, press F8 three times to get to the New Cargoes trade interface. At a supported non-main station, press F2 then F8 instead. When you have finished, select "Exit specialist cargo trading" to return to your ship.

In version 1.2.0 or later: At any supported station, press F4 to bring up the Interface screen, then select "Speciality Cargo Trading" from the "Commerce" category.

Buying and selling cargo

Your first option allows you to buy special cargo from the station's market. This will be available in moderate quantities for a set price, similar to the standard trade goods. As usual, you must have room in your hold and enough credits on hand to buy the cargo. It will then appear on your ship's manifest as 1TC of the appropriate generic cargo type. For instance, if you buy "Goat Soup", it will appear as "Food" on your manifest.

The second option allows you to sell carried cargo to buyers at the station. Again, the price is set automatically for this service. Make sure you sell special cargo in this way rather than through the general F8 screen, or you will make a significant loss.

The trick, of course, is to buy the cargo cheaply at a system where it is plentiful, and then take it to sell for massive profits at a system where it is rare but desired. For most goods there will only be a small number of systems in each galaxy that really want to buy them.

Gathering trade route information

The third option tells you the exports and imports of the current system, and then takes you to the trader bars to gather gossip about other systems. Traders are sometimes happy to chat about their recent successes and failures, and intentionally giving misinformation is rare. Do remember, however, that just because one trader made a massive profit taking cargo from A to B doesn't mean you'll automatically be able to do the same. Try to confirm any information you pick up here before acting on it.

Trade deals

The fourth option takes you to the trade floor. In most main stations there will be someone here offering a more interesting deal - an auction, a special contract, a permit to legally carry controlled goods, or something else. Be careful, as not everyone here will have your best interests in mind. Make sure that you can fulfil your side of the deal before signing any agreements.

Detailed manifest

The fifth option shows your manifest in more detail, on multiple pages if needed. The origin of goods you have collected will be shown to aid your memory and help you assess your profit margins.

Contracts and permits

The sixth option shows you details of the contracts you have entered into, any permits you are carrying, and any special regulations applying to trade in this system.


If you have bought a TraderNet subscription, you can view recent TraderNet bulletins with the seventh option. These contain information on places to buy and sell trade goods, upcoming events, and regional fluctuations in prices.

How to trade well

The concise summary:

  • Look at as many sources of information as you can about trade goods, and look for patterns in what can be bought and sold where.
  • Plan your route in advance. If you don't have a full hold, maybe there's a short detour that would be profitable on the way.
  • Get a TraderNet subscription (from the shipyard), and keep it renewed. If you hear about something nearby, act quickly.

Transcript of the introductory lecture in the "advanced trading" course at Lave Academy.


If you choose to trade mostly or exclusively in new cargoes, then making a trading profit will become much less reliable (though there are higher profits when you succeed), and may require you to travel through more dangerous systems.

Also, New Cargoes makes some OXP stations - the ones which are most friendly to Galcop - use Galcop's rules for import and export of illegal goods. This can surprise you even if you aren't carrying new cargoes, so be careful.

New Cargoes for OXP writers

New Cargoes provides a flexible framework for other OXPs to add extra cargoes and trade opportunities. See the New Cargoes API reference for more information.

Change log

  • 1.2.3: Fix bugs with save/load of regional data and pricing of fetch contracts. Thanks to Solonar and Keeper for reports.
  • 1.2.2: Fix serious bug with losing cargo on launch. Thanks to Solonar for patient diagnosis.
  • 1.2.1: Fix bug with permits
  • 1.2.0: Oolite 1.77 required. Move access to the Interfaces screen. Some internal improvements, and a few more trade routes.
  • 1.1.0: Removed Snoopers dependency, some interface improvements suggested by JazHaz, by popular demand introduced a few easier ways to find out where trade goods can be exported and imported at a decent profit, and made import prices slightly more generous.
  • 1.0.6: Fix bugs with the handling of permits, Kiota stations, and open contracts found by Capt. Murphy, BuggyBY and XLA
  • 1.0.5: Fix bug with world script startup order found by Eric Walch.
  • 1.0.4: Fix bugs with Ore Processor and with open contracts; thanks to Wardy and BuggyBY
  • 1.0.3: Fix bug with import/export laws at some OXP stations; add new API functions.
  • 1.0.2: Fix bug with permits and misjumps; thanks to Capt. Murphy for report.
  • 1.0.1: Extra API function for HyperCargo compatibility
  • 1.0.0: Initial release version


Quick Facts

Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
1.2.3 2013-02-09 CC-BY-SA 3 New cargoes and trade contracts Mechanics OXPs cim BB-Link