Data - Ship Name

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Revision as of 21:03, 14 May 2021 by Cholmondely (talk | contribs) (Page Created)
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Ignore the Expansions Manager Description which is wrong!

This OXZ displays your ship's name on your in-flight HUD (some of us like that).

It will automatically find the correct name.

Tweaking your HUD

If your HUD is not compatible, use the following tweak:

Unzip your HUD's oxz (or open your HUD's oxp),

Open your hud.plist file and add this to the "dials" array:-

			data_source = "playerShipName"; // Ship's name.
			selector = "drawCustomText:";
			alert_conditions = 2; // Green alert only
			color = "greenColor";
			alpha = 0.5;
			x = 32; y = -40; y_origin = 1; x_origin = -1; height = 20; width = 12;
			 data_source = "playerShipClass"; // Ship's type.
			selector = "drawCustomText:";
			alert_conditions = 2; // Green alert only
			 color = "greenColor";
			alpha = 0.5;
			x = 32; y = -44; y_origin = 1; x_origin = -1; height = 8; width = 8;

If you want to use this in a HUD OXP you publish, just add this to your manifest file:-

	"requires_oxps" = (
			 "identifier" = "";
			"description" = "Data - Ship Name (for playerShipName & playerShipClass data sources)";
