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Logo64 Confederacy.png Diraonle Logo64 AverageIndustrial.png
Logo TL10.png
GalCat ID: 6:186
Location: 252,233 of GalSector 6
Government: Confederacy
Economy: Average Industrial
Technology Level: 10
Population: 4.3 Billion
(Furry Feline)
Productivity: 27864 MCr
Planet Radius: 6396km
Location of Diraonle in Sector 6
This world is a revolting little planet.
Old Galactic Catalogue Entry for 6:186 (Diraonle)

Witchspace Routes

There are 2 direct Witchspace Routes from/to Diraonle:

Destination Distance Gov. Eco. TL Pop. Prod
Essoza 6.8 LY 1Logo64 Feudal.png 2Logo64 PoorIndustrial.png 10Logo TL10s.png 4.0 Bln. 01280012800 MCr
Teerma 4.0 LY 2Logo64 MultiGovernment.png 5Logo64 RichAgricultural.png 06Logo TL6s.png 2.8 Bln. 0067206720 MCr


Item Price Quantity Avail-
Min Avg Max Min Avg Max
Food 6.8 7.0 7.2 8 8.5 9 100.0%
Textiles 7.6 8.1 8.8 11 12.5 14 100.0%
Radioactives 24.8 26.2 27.6 5 8.5 12 100.0%
Slaves 14.0 20.2 26.4 0 3.5 6 18.7%
Liquor/Wines 31.2 34.1 37.2 0 8.0 15 93.7%
Luxuries 81.6 82.1 82.8 46 47.5 49 100.0%
Narcotics 3.2 27.2 51.2 0 26.3 59 81.2%
Computers 67.2 67.8 68.4 42 43.5 45 100.0%
Machinery 49.2 50.6 52.0 34 37.5 41 100.0%
Alloys 31.6 37.8 44.0 16 31.5 47 100.0%
Firearms 54.8 56.2 57.6 16 19.5 23 100.0%
Furs 66.8 79.3 92.0 0 18.5 36 56.2%
Minerals 12.4 12.9 13.6 54 55.5 57 100.0%
Gold 38.4 39.7 41.2 3 6.5 10 100.0%
Platinum 67.6 73.8 80.0 0 23.2 63 96.8%
Gem-Stones 17.6 20.6 23.6 0 5.5 10 62.5%
Alien Items 27.2 28.6 30.0 0 0.0 0 0.0%
Average prices are based on long-term established averages (the so-called arithmetic mean). The average quantity is based only on quantity values greater zero. Availability gives a percentage whether a good is available in this system. Please note that these are statistical data. GalCop regulations expressively forbids the broadcasting of actual prices beyond the current system.

Ship's Manual

Diraonle in Chart 6 is fairly typical confederacy, with twelve nations controlling the various landmasses, with a variety of government types. Two secondary planets in the system have their own government. The fourteen constituent nations each appoint (by various means) a Councillor to the Interstellar Council, which manages all trade and diplomatic relationships with the Cooperative (GalCop), splitting all treaty income and expenditure between the nations in strict proportion to population. The Council itself meets in neutral space, on board one of the system's Coriolis stations.
(Excerpt from: The Ship's Manual entry for Confederate states)



Routes and Regions

The Isaanus Syndicate

Diraonle is a member of The Isaanus Syndicate region.