
From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 19:47, 20 April 2007 by Drew (talk | contribs) (Downloads)


This is a short story based on Oolite, sequel to Status Quo, written by Drew Wagar

It is set in 3140, prior to current Oolite time (Year 3142), but after the events of Elite (Year 3125) and subsequent to the events of Status Quo. Dates for these events are given in Selezen's excellent hypothetical Elite/Oolite chronology and based on his interpretation of GalCop history.

The Story is about the nature of the mythical planet Raxxla.

The story is currently being written and the latest installment can be located on the Oolite Bulletin Board

Readers are welcome to submit feedback and comments to the author via his website.


Chapter One can be downloaded from here.


The author will add notes as the story progresses.