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Dor Reval of Xexedi

G.E.T. Brother, formerly Commander, Dor Reval - a Laver of amphibioid parentage - now consider themselves Xexedian. Dor, though climbing quickly up the Grade-rungs of the ubiquitous Guild, and consequently sworn never to kill, is as of this moment a lowly Master Trader, Grade 3.

They (for a frogoid's gender-states are mutable) retain an irrational attachment to the title 'Grocer' and insist on being addressed as such. 'Grocer Reval' is ribbed, but indulged, by their Guild Brothers about this quirk.

A fanatical tuner-in to, and avid collector of, the prolific holo-despatches of investigative reporter Tea Mereso, Dor has been heard to say that their single burning desire and ambition is to meet, and one day wed, her. (Or them, for the two are indeed species-compatible.) Dor eyes friend and Brother Fens Buber, who has conversed and travelled with the elusive object of desire, with sometimes ill-concealed, though always good-natured, envy. They continue to plead for an introduction.