Sector3/The Sidewinder Expanse (Region)

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The Sidewinder Expanse consists of the systems Ersodi, Ordiesat, Birera, Ribiara, Lelebi, Edriuson, Xeesanus, Artia and Xeines.

ID Name HC Position Gov. Eco. TL Prod. Pop. Inhabitants
0403:40 Ersodi 2 (53,65) 0Logo64 Anarchy.png 3Logo64 MainlyIndustrial.png 06Logo TL6s.png 00053765376 MCr 2.4 Bln. Green Fat Birds
1843:184 Ordiesat 3 (66,49) 0Logo64 Anarchy.png 3Logo64 MainlyIndustrial.png 07Logo TL7s.png 00062726272 MCr 2.8 Bln. Red Bony Birds
0363:36 Birera 4 (63,72) 6Logo64 Democracy.png 0Logo64 RichIndustrial.png 14Logo TL14s.png 004720047200 MCr 5.9 Bln. Fierce Frogs
0993:99 Ribiara 3 (73,62) 0Logo64 Anarchy.png 6Logo64 AverageAgricultural.png 03Logo TL3s.png 00019201920 MCr 1.5 Bln. Green Frogs
2103:210 Lelebi 4 (67,93) 3Logo64 Dictatorship.png 5Logo64 RichAgricultural.png 08Logo TL8s.png 001036010360 MCr 3.7 Bln. Human Colonials
0353:35 Edriuson 7 (80,117) 0Logo64 Anarchy.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 01Logo TL1s.png 0000768768 MCr 0.8 Bln. Black Furry Humanoids
0613:61 Xeesanus 8 (79,119) 3Logo64 Dictatorship.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 06Logo TL6s.png 00052085208 MCr 3.1 Bln. Large Green Slimy Lizards
0903:90 Artia 10 (77,127) 7Logo64 CorporateState.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 06Logo TL6s.png 00092409240 MCr 3.5 Bln. Small Red Horned Birds
0513:51 Xeines 7 (90,111) 0Logo64 Anarchy.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 03Logo TL3s.png 00015361536 MCr 1.6 Bln. Human Colonials
Routes and Regions in Galaxy Sector 3
Spaceway L1 - Spaceway L2 - Triskelion Conduit - Chancers Ally - Glasnost Corridor - Broken Circle
The Outer Reach - The Prodigal Suns - The Inner Reach - The Sidewinder Expanse - Galcenter G3 - The Starbridge Cluster - The Yeon Pass