Powers and Organisations

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The Assassins Guild

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

The Assassins Guild is a shadowy organisation, said to be based on the southern continent of Esrire in Galaxy 7. Many attempts have been made by GalCop Special Branch Officers to infiltrate the ranks of “The Brotherhood”, but little reliable intelligence on the Organisation's methods and membership has yet been gathered.

The Esrire System is however known to be unusual, populated by Sinister Yellow Frogs and is one of the few systems known to posses a gas giant. Claims by the Esrireian Tourist Board that the wealth possessed by many of the planets inhabitants is generated by the number of visitors flocking to view the beautiful gas giant Cerberus seem questionable, given the System’s Anarchy status.

It is rumoured however, that the Guild has members from many professions in its ranks. Many are Lone Wolf Commanders, who trade or engage in piracy most of their working lives, only taking Assassination Contracts from time to time. However, it is believed that the tentacles of the Guild stretch into the Military, Navy and even GalCop police forces.

No suspected Guild Member has ever yet been successfully prosecuted. Witnesses tend to disappear or change their testimony. Even when apparently reliable evidence is available, strange decisions are often taken by the Galactic Prosecution Service, inexplicably deciding to drop all charges. Important exhibits in cases are often “lost” by the GalCop police force. Some say that this indicates that many high ranking Civil Servants and Police Officers are in fact members of the Guild.

The exact procedures by which the Guild recruits new members are unknown. It is thought that the Guild has operatives within the Elite Federation of Pilots, who pass on the details of likely candidates to the "Guild Master". It is known that membership is not easily obtained. The candidate is required to prove his willingness to commit cold blooded murder and that some form of initiation ritual is involved.

The Guild polices its own members. Breaches of the Guild Code of Honour are not tolerated, disagreements between Members usually being settled by a duel. Once a Commander joins the Guild resignation is not permitted. Brothers of the Guild are contacted from time to time and offered assignments. Fees paid for these Assassinations are high, although members must pay a percentage of their earnings to the Guild’s Coffers.

GalCop Special Branch

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

Galaxy 7 is know to suffer from an extraordinary high level of criminal activity. Its citizens must not only contend with the ruthless Assassins Guild, but this Galaxy is also home to the Quandixeian Mafia and the Esreatesian Triads.

In response to this, GalCop has established a Special Unit of Officers to deal with organised crime in this troubled Galaxy. GalCop Special Branch is based on a large armed Military Station in orbit around the moon Hercules in the Geteve System.

Special Branch are well equipped. Rather than ageing Vipers, these Officers fly well equipped Mega Asp Mk III fighters designed by Ramon Security Ltd. The Officers are hand picked from GalCop officers who have shown exceptional ability.

The Galactic Supreme Court

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

Trials of some of the most notorious criminals in the eight galaxies have taken place in this august court house. Situated in the Galaxy 7 system of Estiri, security is provided by a special division of the Galactic Navy. A well armed Navy Base orbits Estiri’s ocean covered moon, Nemean and Navy Class Asps can be seen upon patrol in the space lanes.

Vulnerable witnesses are housed aboard the armed Military Station, before being transported to the Court aboard heavily armed Navy Frigates or Cruisers. The Navy Base is normally open to civilian traffic, but at times of heightened security the base is placed in “lock-down” mode. During a lock-down an exclusion zone is placed around the base. Ships entering the zone without the correct clearance codes are fired upon without warning.

The Quandixeian Mafia

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

Colonised in 2576, Quandixe in Galaxy 7 was one of the first planets to be settled following the discovery of what was thought at the time to be a wormhole leading to another Galaxy. Although later research demonstrated that the 8 Galaxies are in fact merely different sectors of the Milky Way, this did not stop adventurous types keen to start a new life on far away worlds.

Quandixe is an unusual system, possessing a small moon with an atmosphere and tropical climate. One of the first discoveries to be made by the early colonists was that the moon Hesperides had a climate perfectly suited to the cultivation of Megaweed. Unfortunately for the Systems more law-abiding inhabitants, this discovery caused organised gangs of criminals to flock to the world, eager to take advantage of the opportunity to produce narcotics at exceptionally low cost.

Today, Quandixe is a mere shadow of the hopes its founding fathers had for the world. Although nominally designated a Corporate State, the Board of Directors is completely dominated by the Mafia. It is estimated that over 95% of the population are now Wiseguys, working in some way on the production of Megaweed. Fleets of Mafia Anacondas can be seen in the space lanes openly transporting Megaweed from Hesperides to the main planet for later distribution.

Corruption is rife and GalCop Vipers are hardly ever seen in the systems space lanes. Despite this however, the system is well policed (albeit by Mafia Sidewinders), and is one of the safest systems in the eight galaxies. Although the Mafia openly flout the GalCop Regulations banning Narcotics, this attitude does not extend to private Commanders who transport drugs. The Mafia naturally do not wish any competition to undermine their monopoly and penalties for non-Mafia drug dealers are harsh.

The current Don and Chairman of the Quandixeian Board of Directors is Unias Ilmear. The Don is a charismatic character with a weakness for gambling, both in the System’s HoOpy Casino and betting on sporting events. These events are frequently fixed by Mafia Enforcers. Relations between the Quanidixeian Mafia and the neighbouring Esreatesian Triads are strained. Many fear that all out inter-system gang war is imminent.

The Esreatesian Triads

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

The Galaxy 7 System of Esreates was first populated as a GalCop penal colony in 2807. However, between 2997 and 3007, the GalCop government chose to respond to almost every social ill by enacting criminal legislation. Over this ten year period 23,000 new criminal laws were passed and over 1,000 new offences were created. This trend continued for almost 50 years and by 3053 doing absolutely anything at all was a criminal offence. As a result Esreates suffered from massive prison over-crowding, 100 GalCop Prison Officers attempting to manage a prison population of over 2.3 Billion.

Inevitably in 3054 the prisoners revolted and took over the planet. Since then the system has been an Anarchy, with the usual multiple gangs providing a type of order on the planet’s surface. In the last century the Yankisona Triad gang has come to prominence and is now the dominant Criminal Organization on the planet.

The Yankisona Triads make their living mainly by piracy. It is rumored that corrupt officials within Marett Space Corp. and Pteradyne Spacecraft provide the Triads with secret plans to Ubur vessels the Companies develop for the Galactic Navy. Whatever the reason Triad pirate gangs are very effective, frequently shooting down traders traveling to the neighboring system of Quandixe. The Quandixeian Mafia are reported to be “displeased” about this activity.

The Eszausveian Dictatorship

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

Eszausve in Galaxy 7, is renowned for the fact that its solar system has four bodies. The inhabited planet is home to indigenous Harmless fat Birds and is orbited by a small rocky moon. The system also boats two vast Gas Giants, Hades and Lernean. Despite the fact that the planet’s oppressive government has been condemned many times by Amnesty Inter-Planetary, tourists flock to the System to enjoy the luxury Hoopy Hotels placed by the Government in orbit around the System’s Gas Giants.

As a result of the Billions of Credits flowing into the System in tourism, Eszausve is one of the richest and most technologically advanced Dictatorships in the eight Galaxies. This vast wealth has allowed the Eszausveian Navy to equip itself with the latest Military Class Ships from Ramon Security Ltd. Any potential rebellions are quickly crushed by Daemon Class Cruisers and Scorpion Frigates, supported by waves of agile Mongoose light fighters.

The current “Top Bird” is Governor Ni Gere Tarkin, a particularly vicious and callous oppressor of his people. Although the Eszausve People's Popular Front bravely resists the oppressive regime, without any outside funding their ships are simply no match for the all conquering Government Navy.

Soin Classic Shipyards

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

The Orramaor system in Galaxy 7 is noted for its companion world Apollodorus and the extreme intelligence of its indigenous rodent inhabitants. By a strange quirk of evolution, despite the fact that these rodents are only slightly larger than an old Earth rat, they have IQs in excess of 250. As a result, this System is home to many Star Ship Design Companies. The largest such manufacturer is Soin Classic Shipyards, situated near the main Soin Clan Burrow on the southern continent.

Soin Classic Shipyards specializes in the improvement of Classic Serpent Class craft. Due to the small size of the Orramaorian rodents, very little of the ships hull space is required for living quarters or life support, leaving much greater space for extra shield generators and larger engines. Soin Classic Shipyards provide both Ships and pilots to The Augeaian Orbital Repair Facility Security Department in the Beatle System. The Soin Clan are also believed to undertake Military contracts.

The current Managing Director is Be Soin; although he is in a state of semi-retirement spending most of his time working on restoring an original Bell & Barben Shipyards model vintage Adder. It is anticipated that his nephew Inno Soin will soon take over the official running of the Company.

The Augeaian Orbital Repair Facility

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

The Augeain Orbital Repair Facility is situated in geo-stationary orbit around the moon Augeas in the Galaxy 7 system of Beatle. In 3025, a consortium of industrious felines purchased a GalCop surplus Dodecahedron Station and towed it to the moon. There a Starship Repair Yard was opened for business. Since these early beginnings the Facility has established a well deserved reputation for the affordable servicing facilities provided by its industrious work crews.

Today it is common to see as many as 20 or 30 ships powered down in the vicinity of the Repair Facility, whilst work crews perform repairs. As such a large number of ships would provide a tempting target for a BoyRacer with a Q-Mine; the yard is defended by a field of Mine Sweeper Satellites. These devices target active Q-Mines, destroying their working components with an EMP burst before they can detonate. It is rumored though that the Defense Network is not infallible.

Additional Security is provided by large squadrons of Mega Kraits and Krait Interceptors, purchased from Soin Classic Shipyards. These ships patrol the System generally and the space near the Repair Facility in particular. Customers can rest assured that their powered down craft will remain secure whilst undergoing servicing.

The Galactic Zero-G Hockey Association

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

The sport of Zero-G Hockey is extremely popular in Galaxy 7, with a Galactic Cup Competition being held every year. The large lizards of the Tiared System are known to be particularly obsessed with this strange pastime.

Tiared is famous as a multi-planet System, the view from the Witchpoint dominated by the sight of the large volcanic companion world Diomedes orbiting the inhabited planet. Amongst Zero-G Hockey Fans however, the system is best known as the headquarters of the Galactic Zero-G Hockey Association.

Situated on the northern continent of the planet, the Association organizes the annual Galactic Cup and its members provide stewards and referees with training. Competition for the system hosting the cup is supposedly decided upon merit, although many complain that the hosting is fixed, Tiared having hosted the last five competitions.

The Zarausxeian Zero-G Hockey Team Fan Club

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

Whilst many races in Galaxy 7 take an interest in the sport of Zero-G Hockey, the inhabitants of Zarausxe take this obsession to an extreme. It is estimated that at least 20% of the system’s GPP is invested in purchasing players, research into methods for genetically enhancement team members’ performance and paying the absurdly high salaries demanded by players and managers.

The Zarausxeian Zero-G Hockey Team is also justly famous for possessing the largest and most dedicated Fan Club of any professional sports team in known space. Concerned that an accident might befall their beloved team whilst traveling to games, the Fan Club recently funded the purchase of an Armored VIP Transporter and a squadron of Nemesis Class Fighters from Ramon Security Ltd. So dedicated to the success of their team are the Fans, that it is rumored they have occasionally funded assassination contracts against referees who have ruled against the team.

Griff Research Ltd

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

The Ateslete system in Galaxy 7 is reasonably noted for the ice-world, Stymphal. The well known robotics company, Griff Research Ltd, operates factories over most of the planet and maintains an orbital research station near Stymphal.

The Company was originally founded to produce droids and other artificial life forms, enjoying much success winning the converted “Which Droid?” award for a decade. In recent years the Company has diversified into building high specification ships and stations to order. Examples of their know designs include providing the Bank of the Black Monks of St Herod with a fearsome armed orbital platform and the Holy Avenger Mark II Tri-Laser Gunship.

The Companies main ship design work is however highly classified, their most regular client being the Galactic Navy. It is know that Griff Research Ltd has constructed several Frigates Class vessels for the Navy, in addition to new types of weapons. No further details are available, although it is rumored that the Company is returning to its roots as a robotics company, in a current design brief.

Ramon Security Ltd

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

A sub-division of Marett Space Corp. this branch of the Corporation specialises in building custom ships specifically to order for wealthy clients. Whilst the ships produced by the parent company are widley seen in the space lanes, Ramon Security builds very powerful Military Ships. As befits a private enterprise, Ramon Security asks no questions as to the purpose their craft will utimatley be used, one life-form’s Credits being as good as anothers.

In order to provide security for the Zarausxeian Zero-G Hockey Team, the Company recentley out-fitted the Team with an Armoured Passenger Liner. Taking a Python, the ship was heavily modified, stripping out the cargo bay in order to install an armour plated outer hull. A large squarden of Nemesis Class Fighters provide escorts for the Liner.

The Company was also responsible for arming the Eszausveian Navy. Whilst the Mongoose was a lightly armed fighter, questions were asked in the GalCop Security Council over the descion to provide a dictatorship with the Scorpion Class Friggate and Deamon Class Cruiser. The Scorpion was fearsome enough, but the Deamon easily out-guns most GalCop Navy ships.

The Bank of The Black Monks

Added by The Black Monks OXP

The Order of the Black Monks of St. Herod (banking with a smile and a stab) is a deeply religious sect dedicated to the noble aim of allowing more space-farers to turn away from the Sins of Solvency and embrace the Holy State of Debt. Rumors that this Order is in any way connected to the Assassins Guild are quite unfounded.

Black Monk Monasteries were constructed to order by Griff Research Ltd. They are vast structures, comparable in size to a Tours Station, but brisling with The Holy Cannons of Defense. Monasteries appear in the space lanes in the more technologically advanced systems. They can be located by setting an Advanced Space Compass to B, but this is not really necessary as the massive platforms are visible to the naked eye from the Witchspace entry point.

Commanders who chose to dock with a Monastery are offered the option to take out a loan. The Monks terms are clearly explained. Repayment of the full capital with interest must be made by the due date. The Debtor must return to a Monastery in person to make payment on or before the due date. Fail to return and the horribly armed Black Monk Gunships will be dispatched to hunt down the Accursed Defaulter and purify his soul with Blessed Plasma.

Many Commanders have reported seeing the Gunships engaged upon their Holy Work, shooting down trade-ships in the space lanes. Despite the debtors’ pitiful pleas, it is unwise to intervene. Returning to a Black Monk Monastery with insufficient credits to pay a due debt is also most unwise, the Monks being know for the sadistic treatment metered out to defaulters who fall into their hands.