Radical Logistics

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Revision as of 14:22, 3 September 2015 by Amah (talk | contribs) (Yasen-N)

RL - "Radical Logistics"

On his journeys through the eight to salvage old and now defunct space vessels, Amah -a prawn-like creature from the coasts of a backwater planet in G4- eventually came upon a stranded vessel, which its main computer introduced itself as Yasen-N by "Radical Logistics".

When visting the company's headquaters on Rea in G4, it seemed the offices were long abandoned, factory halls were empty but for some left spare parts of the ships that were once produced here. After some research in the files that were still on Rea and by asking the inhabitants ("The head bloke of RL? Wasn't from this galaxy, was he?!" "Came and suddenly gone" "All furry, black and white" "But stylish,he was" "Had a good taste for design and textures" "Always wearing a top-head" "Called himself Moriaty, Miles, Mycroft, Mike... "Yeah, Mickey.... "Mickey Moriarty" ), Amah was able to track him down on his sunny home planet in a Spa in< the main captital.

When they talked over GalNET, Moriarty told that most design blueprints Radical Logistics used had come from old military ships. He wanted to redesign the old carriers, gunships and bombers that were used used in the Sidewinder Revolt event for a more civilian use. He'd got involved in other stuff and never managed to finish them. Finally he said it's ok for Amah to maintain, modify and surely improve it, if he wanted. He even offered to see if he can find the blueprints of a spaceship that was still under development before he left Rea: the Lira.



from RL's design team memo: "Almost the same size than a Python it was designed for infantery fast development on ground based combat missions. Due to the character on these kind of incursions the Yasen-N's handling and speed matches lighter ships. These was successfully achieved improving the engines design and losing near half of its cargo capabilities. The Yasen-N flagship supported up to three cannon turrets in order to defend it from anti-aircraft fire, town flying force and guided missiles. Although none or those turrets are available in the civil basic version, the 'advanced' Yasen-N offers a rear turret for deep space trading issues as heavy piracy activity or rock hermit attacks, for example."

Due to GalCOP regulations Radical Logistics had to abandon the plans of the production of the three turretted Yasen-N flagship for the civilian market. But according to some unknown insider with the right tools, some tinkering any Commander knowing about the internals of the configuration the ship's data, anyone who's willing to make his hands and conscience dirty can pimp a Yasen-N "Advanced" to have more than one turret.


From the press announcements: "Skat is a very fast ship initially designed for undercover vigilance missions or high-speed personal transport. It serves well as light transport-courier. The Skat was built to run away from problems more than to combat two or three enemy ships at the same time."

Project: Lira

Little is known for sure about Project Lira so far: rumours tell it's like its sisters Yasen and Skat a fast transport ship. 220 Tons and a speed of 390 will be its main feature. Only one picture of the prototype, even lacking a proper paintjob exists so far:

6714253099 7f7fbbc156.jpg
(Courtesy of Mickey Moriarty, Radical Logistics)


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