Sector8/Beggars' Loop (Region)

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Revision as of 00:18, 19 January 2015 by Phkb (talk | contribs)



Beggars' Loop consists of the systems Laxerive, Ontear, Teteus, Bebima, Belaus, Onusra, Edzaar, Eresen, Enustien, Vezaorla, Letioned, Maana, Riattein, Tile, Geatiar, Anedin, Tiqubied and Raeserre.

ID Name HC Position Gov. Eco. TL Prod. Pop. Inhabitants
2428:242 Laxerive 8 (166,6) 3Logo64 Dictatorship.png 6Logo64 AverageAgricultural.png 06Logo TL6s.png 00067206720 MCr 3.0 Bln. Slimy Frogs
1708:170 Ontear 8 (174,15) 1Logo64 Feudal.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 04Logo TL4s.png 00025202520 MCr 2.1 Bln. Red Bug-Eyed Birds
0878:87 Teteus 9 (174,17) 2Logo64 MultiGovernment.png 1Logo64 AverageIndustrial.png 10Logo TL10s.png 001728017280 MCr 4.0 Bln. Harmless Insects
1158:115 Bebima 6 (177,1) 5Logo64 Confederacy.png 1Logo64 AverageIndustrial.png 11Logo TL11s.png 003045630456 MCr 4.7 Bln. Slimy Lobsters
1508:150 Belaus 7 (159,34) 0Logo64 Anarchy.png 2Logo64 PoorIndustrial.png 09Logo TL9s.png 00089608960 MCr 3.5 Bln. Blue Furry Rodents
0628:62 Onusra 7 (172,60) 2Logo64 MultiGovernment.png 4Logo64 MainlyAgricultural.png 05Logo TL5s.png 00066246624 MCr 2.3 Bln. Human Colonists
2408:240 Edzaar 7 (172,63) 0Logo64 Anarchy.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 01Logo TL1s.png 0000768768 MCr 0.8 Bln. Blue Bony Lobsters
1868:186 Eresen 7 (184,63) 5Logo64 Confederacy.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 04Logo TL4s.png 00054005400 MCr 2.5 Bln. Human Colonists
0348:34 Enustien 8 (187,58) 7Logo64 CorporateState.png 2Logo64 PoorIndustrial.png 13Logo TL13s.png 004083240832 MCr 5.8 Bln. Human Colonists
1968:196 Vezaorla 8 (190,47) 1Logo64 Feudal.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 04Logo TL4s.png 00025202520 MCr 2.1 Bln. Yellow Bug-Eyed Lobsters
1858:185 Letioned 10 (198,47) 1Logo64 Feudal.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 04Logo TL4s.png 00025202520 MCr 2.1 Bln. Human Colonists
0118:11 Maana 9 (201,38) 3Logo64 Dictatorship.png 6Logo64 AverageAgricultural.png 05Logo TL5s.png 00058245824 MCr 2.6 Bln. Human Colonists
2538:253 Riattein 8 (204,38) 6Logo64 Democracy.png 6Logo64 AverageAgricultural.png 05Logo TL5s.png 00092809280 MCr 2.9 Bln. Human Colonists
1668:166 Tile 4 (201,12) 4Logo64 Communism.png 4Logo64 MainlyAgricultural.png 07Logo TL7s.png 001267212672 MCr 3.3 Bln. Large Furry Humanoids
1328:132 Geatiar 6 (195,8) 1Logo64 Feudal.png 2Logo64 PoorIndustrial.png 12Logo TL12s.png 001840018400 MCr 4.6 Bln. Human Colonists
0908:90 Anedin 7 (185,3) 5Logo64 Confederacy.png 3Logo64 MainlyIndustrial.png 09Logo TL9s.png 002066420664 MCr 4.1 Bln. Human Colonists
1348:134 Tiqubied 8 (180,15) 4Logo64 Communism.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 03Logo TL3s.png 00038403840 MCr 2.0 Bln. Human Colonists
1608:160 Raeserre 7 (179,1) 4Logo64 Communism.png 1Logo64 AverageIndustrial.png 12Logo TL12s.png 002880028800 MCr 5.0 Bln. Human Colonists
Routes and Regions in Galaxy Sector 8
Spaceway L1 "The Nemorican Arc" - Spaceway L2 - Centreward Flight - The Hitachi Trade Annex - Rimward Decamp
Beggars' Loop - The Ladle - The Far Arm Star Cluster - The Riven Hitachi Senate - Galcenter G8 - The Unified Tech-Core