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Overview over Galaxy Sector 3

Systems in Galaxy Sector 3
- A Aarat Aenqute Aisondi Aisqu Alace Amaza Anar Anatrean Anceison Anencebe Anenmaqu Anenveza Angemaar Anisus Anondi Anquvein Anreer Ansois Aorbete Aquusen Ararin Arbeis Arbema Arbiti Argeveza Aridian Arredi Artia Artiat Arusxeve Arveisri Atan Atdia Atia Atinarus Atininar Atistiso Atius Atlaar
- B Bebearen Beenbeor Begeorer Beisria Beleteat Betia Bexein Bezaed Biarandi Bibira Bicein Bionus Bireer Birera Bixein
- C Ceanbibi Cearle Cedile Ceedleon Ceenerus Ceerdi Ceisge Ceisis Celace Ceorat Cequaa Ceteri
- D Dianed Dicemari Dicetiar Dileon Diqudi Ditere Divera
- E Edcequor Edcere Ededxebe Edesla Edraisar Edriat Edriuson Edtion Edxeri Enanen Enanre Enata Enbeis Enbirare Enedza Enerza Enlabean Enrece Enreon Enriri Erbidi Erinain Erlace Ersodi Esaesge Esdicete Esdirece Esenesce Esgeer Esleusbe Esmaonbe Esorra Esorza
- G Geama Gearzaen Geenbe Gemasoti Georatre Geusdi
- I Inar Inbiti Ingece Iniser Inlain Inrieran Isbeat Isditixe Isenrire Islaenbi Islama Istimale
- L Laarzace Labiar Lacete Laisis Lalerive Lamare Laorbila Lebied Leena Leentima Lege Leistean Lelebi Lemadior Leorendi Lequena Lezaer
- M Mabelala Mabiat Maceceve Maedra Maer Maesgeed Maonle Maracece
- O Onaned Onbezati Onbige Ondisora Onenqu Oninriar Onleuses Onusbi Oratzaa Ordiesat Oredonat Orised Orqube Orqulela Orreen Orzaedve
- Q Qubibi Quceri Qumaza Qurexein Qusoxe Quusdi
- R Raarcege Raave Radiqu Raerqu Rainle Raried Ratitige Raveries Razare Razari Rea Rebees Reenesma Regeza Releorar Rerebi Rereis Resoisbe Reteti Riarribi Riave Ribiara Rieresed Rierxe Rige Rigebi Rilalela Rimaedxe Riordi Riquri Rizaoris
- S Soaniner Soatqube Sobiondi Sogeve Soiserla Sovere Soxeorza
- T Teaned Teanti Tebe Teceinre Teedus Telabe Teonus Teriar Teususdi Texeonis Tibeenis Tieninve Tiera Tiescebi Tigear Tionrebi Tizabea
- U Usarisa Uscequus Usenlaer Usgeriar Usmate Usmaxe Usraer Usrage Usteer Uszale
- V Vees Vegean Vegeve Veinmaa Vemaed Vereza
- X Xeesanus Xeines Xeonle Xeononle Xesoon Xeveon Xeverive
- Z Zaanes Zabebe Zabion Zaervema Zaisedan Zarevees Zauseris
See Systems in Galaxy Sector 3 for a detailed list.
- The Galactic Navy has fourteen Sector Command Stations in Galaxy Sector 3: Teceinre (SecCom 1), Edxeri (SecCom 2), Maceceve (SecCom 3), Leentima (SecCom 4), Birera (SecCom 5), Rimaedxe (SecCom 6), Rigebi (SecCom 7), Inbiti (SecCom 8), Tizabea (SecCom 9), Rainle (SecCom 10), Rilalela (SecCom 11), Dianed (SecCom 12), Bezaed (SecCom 13) and Lebied (SecCom 14).
- Thargoid Plans (Native)
- Aquatics - The Kraken IV A mission based out of the Aquarian Shipbuilding Corp. HQ in the Aqualina system.
- Curse of the Black Sunspot Sometimes pirates are more than they seem
- Localhero Support the local police to find, destroy and capture ex-general Harkov and his group.
- Stealth Small mission to showcase the new scanner capabilities of 1.74 and to introduce stealth ships.
- Thargoid Wars War with the Thargoids intensifies featuring new attack and defense missions.
- To Catch A Thargoid The Bugs are back - follow-up mission to Thargoid Plans. May be offered while docking.
The Vector Maps
This excellent piece of digital art adds routes and regions to every Galaxy Sector. Vector Map -- print version --US Mirror
In Sector 3, there are 6 major Spaceways:
- The Spaceway L1 runs from Leorendi to Xeonle
- The Spaceway L2 runs from Betia to Orzaedve
- The Triskelion Conduit runs from Rainle to Esleusbe
- The Chancers Ally runs from Esmaonbe to Edtion
- The Glasnost Corridor runs from Ceedleon to Bexein
- The Broken Circle runs from Uszale to Inlain
There are also 7 established regions in Sector 3: