No Shaders alternate or extra ships and accessories
Griff Industries has released some awesome shipmodels which use normalmapping and shader effects to produce some of the best looking ships available in Oolite. In 2012 Captain Solo started to convert the Oolite core ships Griff's No Shaders shipset for computers without a shader capable graphics card. With Oolite v1.80 these ships are now used as default ships.
These OXPs/OXZs began as a pet project aiming to provide some of Griff's other extra, alternate or some missing vessels as addition to the new v1.80 default shipsset.
Important Notice
The models and textures in this OXP/OXZ required Oolite v1.80+
Click on thumbnails to view full size images(to be done)
Missing core ships
Alternate core ships
Extra ships
(to be done)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
09-20-2014 released Cobra Mk3, Wolf Mk2 and Griffin Mk1 09-21-2014 released Cobra Mk1, Ophidian. Updated Cobra Mk3 clean texture 09-23-2014 released Gnat, Mamba, Fer-De-Lance, Bug. Updated Cobra Mk3, Cobra Mk1, Ophidian. 09-26-2014 released Hognose, Viper. Updated Cobra Mk1, Bug 10-01-2014 released asteroids2014, cargopods2014. Updated: Viper 10-05-2014 released old Fer-de-Lance, default scuffed Cobra Mk3. Updated asteroids, python. Restructured first posting 10-09-2014 released organic Thargoids and Tharglet 10-10-2014 released normal Gecko 10-12-2014 missingcoreships and accessories as OXZs available. 10-15-2014 updated alternate ship OXPs to new roles where applicable, now also as OXZs available. 10-17-2014 updated extra ship OXPs to new roles where applicable, now also as OXZs available.
Texture conversion example (alternate Cobra Mk3)
Download and Installation
download as individual OXPs[1] - (unzip, put xyz.oxp into your Oolite AddOns folder, e.g. on Linux: ~/.Oolite/AddOns)
download as OXZs (for manual installation): missingcoreships[2], alternateships[3], extraships[4],accessories[5]+accessories-replace[6]