Oolite JavaScript Reference: Manifest
Prototype: Object
Subtypes: none
provides direct access to the cargo carried by the player.
Except list
, each property is an integer representing the quantity of a certain commodity. The units depend on the commodity, just as on the trading screen.
[hide]Behaviour notes
When increasing a commodity, extra cargo beyond the ship’s capacity is discarded silently. For example, if the ship has 6 t of space available, and you add 10 to player.ship.manifest.food
, only 6 t of food will be awarded.
For gold and platinum, 500 kg or more rounds up to 1 t, below 500 kg counts as 0 t in cargo space calculations. This means a script can add up to 499 kg of gold or platinum into a nominally full hold. (The player himself can buy unlimited quantities at the market screen.) In the same way, 500 000 g of gemstones is rounded up to 1 t. (If you feel tempted to award the player half a tonne of gemstones, keep in mind that one can only sell up to 127 units of a commodity at a given station using the trading screen.)
if (player.ship.cargoSpaceAvailable >= 10) { player.ship.manifest.food += 10; }
Cargo marshalling
When a player launches, all cargo from the manifest is loaded in cargo pods with the role “1t-cargopod”. This has some consequences for handling g and kg commodities when in flight:
- Every full t of such an article that the player has is put in a barrel on launch and consumes 1 t cargo space.
- Every barrel that the player scoops takes one t of cargo space even when the content is far less in weight.
- Every time cargo is added by script, the added amount is added to the hold in one or more 1 t cargo pods.
- Every time the cargo is reduced, it is removed from one of the barrels. When the barrel becomes empty in the process, the barrel is removed.
On docking all barrels are unloaded and the manifest becomes just a list of goods. The manifest can be handled the same way when docked as when in flight, but the behaviour described above explains why the hold fills up fast when adding several small quantities of g/kg commodities by script.
food : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of food in the ship’s hold (t).
textiles : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of textiles in the ship’s hold (t).
radioactives : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of radioactives in the ship’s hold (t).
slaves : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of slaves in the ship’s hold (t).
liquorWines : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of liquor/wines in the ship’s hold (t).
luxuries : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of luxuries in the ship’s hold (t).
narcotics : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of narcotics in the ship’s hold (t).
computers : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of computers in the ship’s hold (t).
alloys : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of alloys in the ship’s hold (t).
firearms : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of firearms in the ship’s hold (t).
furs : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of furs in the ship’s hold (t).
minerals : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of minerals in the ship’s hold (t).
gold : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of gold in the ship’s hold (kg).
platinum : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of platinum in the ship’s hold (kg).
gemStones : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of gem-stones in the ship’s hold. 500000 g and more counts as 1 ton in cargoSpace calculations.
alienItems : Number (read/write integer)
The quantity of alien items in the ship’s hold.
list : Array (read-only)
Array of objects. Each object contains information for a commodity present in the player’s hold:
commodity : String (the name of the corresponding property) containers: Number (integer) - 1.79 or later quantity : Number (integer) displayName : String (commodity display name, can be different for different languages) unit : String (“t”, “kg” or “g”)
Quantity is the number of units of cargo carried; containers is the number of TC containers this takes up. For the sub-tonne commodities these numbers are likely to be significantly different, and no containers are used while the ship is docked.
var i, m; // for certain types of cargo (like gem-stones) player.ship.cargoSpaceUsed can still be 0 // even if we’re carrying 100 or more. log("The player is currently carrying " + (manifest.list.length > 0 ? "the following:" : "nothing.")) for (i = 0; i < manifest.list.length; i++) { m = manifest.list[i]; log( m.quantity + " " + m.unit + " of "+ m.displayName ); }
var i, c; // now remove at least 1 of / 20% of each type of cargo carried. for (i = 0; i < manifest.list.length; i++) { c = manifest.list[i].commodity; manifest[c] = Math.floor(manifest[c] * 0.8); }