Ulite: The Attack

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Revision as of 19:04, 15 December 2013 by Jaz (talk | contribs) (created page with translation of original German (from Google Translate) plus some edits)
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The attack

An attack takes place only in a normal room. The fight itself proceeds as in a round game. Each round corresponds to an experiment in which the vessels involved have the opportunity to meet the enemy. Influence on the probability of a hit have:

  • Scanner
  • Offensive Skill
  • Weapon used
  • Special equipment such as computers
  • Size of the enemy ship

If the opponent is hit, choose the following values ​​of the damage of the shot:

  • Strength of the weapon (a laser cooling booster brings here some weapons a bonus)
  • Special equipment such as an improved target system
  • Number of shields and energy booster of the enemy (taken) ship
  • Armor of the ship taken
  • Defensive skills Opposing crew
  • Evasion abilities of Opposing crew

When a ship after a hit less than zero tons hull has, then the attack is decided, otherwise comes to the next round. After 10,000 rounds of a fight is stopped. Both parties get the same report. All equipment which is run as an offensive or defensive, plays a role in the fight! There is also a series of special equipment. (For details see Techtree )

A few important notes:

If the enemy ship has disappeared from the system or a station has reached before one has arrived at the ship, no attack takes place. Note: When a ship already has a greatly reduced value from the hull, then charge or equipment may also be damaged! Note: Some weapons can crit cause them to each equipment damage except escape pod, Emergency Hyperdrive and armor or destroy! Certain fights will also be punished. In public stations of the use of firearms is prohibited in the vicinity of a station:

(table) Attacker - Opponents inhabited system Neutral territory Alliance Territory Player - Player Fine + blacklist - - Players - Robot Punishment at <1AE - - Robots - Player no attack at <1AE - - (/table)

Penalty: Fine, Illegal points. Blacklist: The next time you dock at a public station: fine, deduction of points, Illegal points.