Cobra Mark III-XT
ship name::Cobra Mark III-XT | |
![]() | |
Size (W×H×L) | 130m×ship height::30m×ship length::72m |
Cargo capacity | ship cargo capacity::25 TC |
Cargo bay extension | ship cargo extension::15 TC |
Maximum speed | ship speed::0.4 LM |
Manoeuvrability | Roll: 2.0 Pitch: 1.0 |
Energy banks | ship energy banks::5 |
Energy recharge rate |
Excellent (ship energy recharge::5.0) |
Gun mounts | Fore, Aft Port, Starboard |
Missile slots | ship missile slots::6 |
Shield boosters available | ship supports shield booster::Yes |
Military shields available | ship supports mil shields::Yes |
Hyperspace capable | ship can hyperspace::Yes |
OXP or standard | {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP |
Available to player | ship is player flyable::Yes |
Base price | ship base price::300000 Cr |
Faulcon DeLacy of Reorte, receivers of Cowell & MgRath Shipyards, have agreed to license Xeceesian Shipyards to produce a major upgrade for the Cobra Mark III. Although still a good multi-role craft it has shown its age for quite some time and in fact has seen several re-incarnations. The engineers at Xeceesian Shipyards began in conference discussing ways and means to bring the old gal up to modern specs without losing any of her charms.
1) Interior space expanded and maximized:
Main engine housing and exhaust flanges extended out the aft hull. Cockpit & forward gun mounting completely redesigned and extended out the forward hull.
2 Kruger "lightfast" motors replaced with smaller but more powerful dual ProTren engines.
3 Addition of port and starboard DeLacy Spin Ionic engines.
4 Energy plant replaced with superior Xenion unit.
1) Max energy increased to 320 (five energy banks).
2) Energy recharge rate increased to 5.0.
3) Max flight speed increased to 0.400 LM.
4) Max cargo increased to 40 CT.
5) Weapons & Equipment pylons increased to six.
Player Standard Equipment
Forward Beam Laser
Fuel Scoop
Heat Shielding
NPC Commanders
Pirate, Trader / Hunter. and one custom AI.
Little is known about this secretive clan except that they are a criminal organization. Their base has never been discovered despite the best efforts of GalCop and the Galactic Navy to find it. Although a piratical group they seem to hold to a higher, almost chivalric code of conduct. Those who have had contact with them refuse to disclose any information to the authorities.
When they observed the Cobra Mark III-XT leaving the shipyards at Xecees they coveted them for their own. They hatched a daring plan (they are birds after all) to steal a fair number of these ships that had been purchased and were en-route to Teteso. Suffice it to say these ships vanished only to re-appear some time later raiding in the space lanes. It has not been confirmed but rumor has it these ships have been improved over the standard model.
The Black Knaves operate out of their secret base near Xecees in chart four, but new reports are coming in to GalCop of rare sightings across the eight. Ships are being challenged as they exit from witchspace. The authorities don't know what to make of this but from the evidence gathered thus far they suspect it to be some kind of rite of passage.
NPC Weapons
Fore and aft Beam or Military Lasers.
Possible NPC Equipment
ECM, Escape Pod, Fuel Injection, Fuel Scoop, Shield Boosters & Shield Enhancers
Minimum Requirements
Tested with Oolite 1.75. Should work with earlier versions. No Dependencies
After unzipping, move or copy the folder, "Cobra3 XT.oxp" into your AddOns folder. Where that resides depends on your Oolite installation.
Art objects from Griff & Smivs
AI for Black Knave role from El Viejo's Green Gecko
Scripts (2) adapted for Black Knave role from El Viejo's Green Gecko
Custom shaders by Griff
Play Testers
El Viego
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 3.0.
OXP Version
1.2 - January 2013 - Changed spawn script, removed NPC Cloaking Device chance
1.1 - November 2011 - tweaked model, new textures, and custom shaders
1.0 - August 2011 - changes noted in the readme file.
0.95 - July 2011
Historical References
Cowell & MgRath Shipyards of Lave in chart 1, original manufacturers of the Cobra Mark III.
Faulcon DeLacy of Reorte in chart 1, originally Faulcon Manspace, best known for designing the Viper for GalCop and the HM3 Homing Missile.
Xeceesian Shipyards of Xecees in chart four, designers and manufacturers of the Accipiter, Moccasin, Naval Torpedo, and the I-Missile.
ProTren Inc. of Geaten in chart four, designers & engineers of superior propulsion systems.
Xenion LTD of Bemate in chart four, manufacturers of high tech equipment.
New version (08-Jan.,2013) has been uploaded to my account.