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Revision as of 16:49, 23 November 2013 by Norby (talk | contribs) (v0.6)
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Download it from here or here.


Show installed ships and objects in Interfaces.

Press F4 when you docked, choose Gallery to see ship statistics and rotating models.



The first menu at bottom show the dataKey of the current object, press it to see the next item.

Press "Menu" to choose Role, Rotate, Move, Zoom or Exit.


If you set a role then will show ships within this role only.

You must change the role back to "all" to see all ships.

The number after name of role show how many objects are in this role.


Full menu works like this:

  • "dataKey"
  • Previous
  • Role: all/player/... (number of objects)
  • Previous role
  • Rotate X+ / Stop / X- / Stop / Y+ / Stop / Y- / Stop
  • Move X+ / Stop / X- / Stop / Y+ / Stop / Y- / Stop
  • Zoom + / Stop / Zoom - / Stop
  • Exit
  • Hide Menu


In Oolite v1.79 or later do not unzip the .oxz file, just move into the AddOns folder of your Oolite installation.

In Oolite v1.77 make a Gallery.oxp subfolder in your AddOns folder and unzip the .oxz file into the newly created subfolder.


Oolite v1.77 but v1.79 or later recommended.


This OXP use the Ship.keys(), Ship.roles() and Ship.keysForRole("role") methods in Oolite v1.79. There are a slow and inaccurate method for Oolite v1.77 which try to get all ships but a few left out randomly. Moreover can cause crash at game start if not enough memory (if the spinning cobra appear then you have enough memory). You can reduce the $GalleryMaxIt variable in gallery.js to avoid the problem if needed but more ship will be left out.

Can show ship.energyRechargeRate and ship.extraCargo in v1.79 only.

Ships with "subent" word in dataKey are removed to skip subentities in Griff_Shipset_Replace_v1.34.oxp. Removing happen right before show only (too slow otherwise), this is the reason why the object number in Role: menu can decrease.

Turrets, docks and other subentities without "subent" rule will appear in v1.79, there are no exact method to skip all of these. In v1.77 it is not a problem due to the fallback method can include ships with given roles only (see in gallery.js, you can extend if you want) so all OXP ships without standard roles left out completely.

Every menu press redraw the ship model so shader colours and decals will change by all Rotate, Move, etc. press.

Setings in gallery.js

this.$GalleryDefaultZoom = 1.6; //default size of ships
this.$GalleryMaxIt = 5; //max. iteration in Oolite v1.77, reduce if cause problems
this.$GalleryLog = false; //verbose log
this.$GalleryRoles = ["all", "player", ... ]; //main roles, you can add more
this.$GallerySpeed = 2; //move and zoom speed


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 3.0.

If you are re-using any piece of this OXP, please let me know by sending an e-mail to norbylite at

Background image source: Start Choices OXP by spara.


2013.11.23. v0.6  Works with Oolite v1.77 also (but slow and limited).
2013.11.22. v0.5  First usable version.
2013.11.21. v0.1  First test files.

Download Gallery OXP from here or here.

Quick Facts

Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
0.6 2013-11-23 CC BY-NC-SA 3 Show installed ships Misc OXPs Norby BB-Link