Chart Two Sectors:
00: |
Obtuse Gemini |
05: |
Giant Lobstoid
01: |
Winged Icthus |
06: |
Vertical Vector
02: |
Rotund Rodent |
07: |
Angular Craboid
03: |
Stellar Slug |
08: |
Tri-Star Bottleneck
04: |
Pegleg's Revenge |
09: |
Deadly Diagonals
Smallest Planet: |
Eraronqu in Obtuse Gemini, with radius of 2821 km.
Largest Planet: |
Onmate in Deadly Diagonals, with radius of 6897 km.
Tech Level 15: |
Tezaeded, a large planet in Rotund Rodent, populated by Human Colonials
Economy Mode: |
Average Agricultural
Tech Level Mode: |
TL 9
Hub Count Mode: |
Solo's Chart One
Solo's Chart Three