Solo's Chart Two

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 15:53, 19 October 2013 by CaptSolo (talk | contribs)

Galaxy chart two sectors:

00: Obtuse Gemini 05: Giant Lobstoid
01: Winged Icthus 06: Vertical Vector
02: Rotund Rodent 07: Angular Craboid
03: Stellar Slug 08: Tri-Star Bottleneck
04: Pegleg's Revenge 09: Deadly Diagonals


Smallest Planet: Eraronqu with radius 2821
Largest Planet: Onmate with radius of 6897
Tech Level 15: Tezaeded, a large planet in Rotund Rodent, populated by human colonials.
Tech Level 1: Shared by three anarchic worlds.
Economy Mode: Average Agricultural.
Tech Level Mode: TL 9.
Hub Count Mode: 6.

Solo's Chart One
Solo's Chart Three
