Cabal Common Library Doc OXPStrength

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Revision as of 14:15, 7 February 2013 by Svengali (talk | contribs)


This is the main class for the OXPStrength with its members and part of the Cabal_Common_Library.

It is a helper tool specially for mission OXPs to check the environment and helps to determine the players strength. The script is meant for OXP developers only.

The underlaying API calculates a checksum (coef) for entities. This checksum can be gathered by scripts for specific entities (Player and NPCs). Factors are:

  • Accuracy (v1.7.1)
  • Distance to the hotspots (MainStation,WP and lanes WP,WS,PS)
  • Equipment
  • Escorts / Defense ships
  • Laser
  • Mass (v1.7.1)
  • MaxEnergy
  • MaxSpeed
  • MaxThrust
  • Missiles
  • PrimaryRole
  • ShieldRechargeRates
  • Subent laser
  • Turrets




Checks entities and returns the gathered coefficient. This is the main entry point for OXPs.

For NPCs the standard range is 0..192, but OXP entities can have a lot higher value based on their settings. Playerships are treated different and are getting higher values. A standard Cobra MkIII has a value of 110 in the beginning and gets up to 307 if fully equipped with standard weaponry, missiles and other standard equipment. The Boa Class Cruiser even gets 314.


Entity. If specified only this entity will be checked, otherwise all entities in the system (except the player).
Boolean. If true a verbose lits will be logged to Latest.log. This is useful while writing OXPs.


Number. Calculated coefficient.
If entity was specified the value for this specific entity, otherwise the highest gathered coefficient in the system.



The script can set a property to be used for strong entities.

worldScripts.Cabal_Common_OXPStrength.CCL_OXPStrength = 5;

Main purpose is to prevent the spawning by the populator. OXPs can use it in condition scripts. Default is 9.

Suggested classes:

  • 1 = coef < 100
  • 2 = coef < 200 - This is the default threshold for native Oolite NPCs if logging is used.
  • 3 = coef < 300
  • 4 = coef < 400
  • 5 = coef < 600
  • 6 = coef < 900
  • 7 = coef < 1000
  • 8 = coef < 3000
  • 9 = otherwise, default setting for .CCL_OXPStrength.



Missionships can also use a script_info key to indicate that this entity has to be handled with care by other scripts.

script_info = {ccl_missionShip = true;}