Elite:Reclamation is an upcoming novel being written by Drew Wagar, set in the Elite:Dangerous universe and due for publication in March 2014 alongside the Elite : Dangerous game by Frontier Developments. There is also a website dedicated to the book.
The novel will feature an ensemble cast of memorable characters, a dark and dystopian future and a plot which will twist from political intrique, via epic space battles, to a tense page-turning finale.
Whilst Elite:Reclamation will be a wholly original work, Drew has already produced a fan-fic series based in the Elite-like universe of the fan game Oolite. These novels, known as the Oolite Saga, are still available on-line and can be downloaded for free, with the first being published back in 2006.
Drew's Kickstarter for the novel caused a notable stir in the online community by being one of the first Kickstarters to successfully fund a pledge on another Kickstarter. This unorthodox approach generated a number of press articles.
The Elite:Reclamation project has currently raised £7,043 from its initial Kickstarter, and is continuing to pursue funding for £8,500 in order to facilitate a paperback print run via paypal.
The 'teaser' video for the book is available on youtube.
Feedback from Readers
To be announced.
Elite:Reclamation will be available on Amazon and Smashwords initially.