Escort Formations

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Revision as of 21:36, 30 June 2012 by Cim (talk | contribs) (Correct BB link)
The Convoy formation avoids surprises on the spacelane by placing a fighter group fore and aft of the leader

The Escort Formations OXP adds eleven extra escort formations to the game, which will be used by traders and pirates, and can be used by other ships. The escort formations are divided into two categories - offensive formations, usually used by pirates to give a strong attack or to hide their strength - and defensive formations, usually used by traders to give good scanner coverage and avoid pirate ambushes.

As this breaks up both trader and pirate formations, it can make it slightly more difficult to tell the difference between traders and pirates on the spacelane.


Escort Formations 1.0 is the latest version. Install to your AddOns folder in the usual way.

Technical details

Only ships with a primary role of trader, pirate, hunter or police will normally be affected by this OXP, and only those ships which are spawned with escorts. Ships which already have their own custom escort formation will not be affected, and 25% of the remaining eligible ships will keep the standard escort formation.

You can apply the escort formations defined by this OXP to your own ships by using the following functions: To assign a random offensive formation to a different ship, suited to its escort count

worldScripts["Escort Formations Randomiser"].$setupOffensiveEscorts(ship);

To assign a random defensive formation to a different ship, suited to its escort count

worldScripts["Escort Formations Randomiser"].$setupDefensiveEscorts(ship);

To assign a specific formation to a ship

worldScripts["Escort Formations Randomiser"].$setupEscortFormation(ship,formation);

formation is the name of the formation. The 11 formations available are:

  • arrowhead (offensive, pictured below)
  • combat-spread (offensive)
  • convoy (defensive)
  • echelon (offensive)
  • octahedron (defensive)
  • planebox (defensive)
  • pyramid (defensive)
  • scouting-spread (defensive)
  • trail (offensive)
  • twistbox (defensive)
  • vform (both)
  • wave (offensive)

If an unrecognised formation name is given, "vform" will be applied, which is similar, though not identical, to the standard escort formation.

The Arrowhead formation provides heavy firepower on the initial attack

Quick facts

Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
1.0 2012-06-30 CC-BY-SA 3.0 Escort formations Mechanics OXPs cim BB-Link