Koneko Industries OXP

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Revision as of 05:15, 10 January 2012 by RyanHoots (talk | contribs) (Started page.)
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Koneko Industries OXP
Download Link N/A
Version Work in Progress
History N/A
Stations Koneko Industries Headquarters, Ryan's Villa
Ships Koneko Kobra, Takina Class Cruiser,
Kestros Mk4, Massasauga,
possibly others
Missions None
Equipment None
Alternative HUD
Yes, KIhud.
Sound Set
Category Ships OXPs
Author Ryan Hoots

The Koneko Industries OXP will be an Oolite eXpansion Pack that bundles all Koneko Industries ships, along with new improvements. It will also replace Ryan's Villa OXP.


This OXP will include the Koneko Industries line of ships, the Koneko Industries station (and Ryan's Villa), and a custom HUD sold with all Koneko Industries ships. This OXP may contain the Koneko Rocket, a short range missile with a big punch and an unbeatable price.

The OXP may also include the rumored Koneko Mamba.

Completion Status

This OXP is currently mostly on the drawing board. The Koneko Industries HQ and Ryan's Villa are both in place, I just have to add the other ships, along with anything else I want to add. So, here's the raw data as of January Ninth, 2012:

Stations: Complete

Ships: Incomplete

HUD: Complete, I just need to set it as standard for Koneko ships.

Please, feel free to ask about this OXP in the talk page for this article, as I don't plan on being back on the BB for a while.

Missile: Not even started.


This OXP is a work in progress, and as such it is not ready to be downloaded.
