Talk:The Robin Sharrock Diaries

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 15:03, 6 February 2006 by (talk)

Hmm. I think Why Did the Groigan Dance was by Brad Chacos but hosted on Frontierverse. Unfortunately I don't think it was ever completed (I remember it being rather good, too). It's definitely one that should be linked from the Wiki to wherever it resides now. Winston 11:37, 6 February 2006 (UTC)

Just trying my best to list as many FF as I can find, relying on insides such as you to fill in the blanks and inevitable mistakes. Could be that all these Robin articles were by Break, I just cannot find many of his (reportedly) prolific writings. Does He use another alias besides these two? Anyhow I'll be trying to link all the stories I can find. ( was most usefull in this respect :) )

-- 13:03, 6 February 2006 (UTC)