
From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 01:13, 4 February 2006 by (talk) (layout correction)

Imprint, a short story by Andy Redman, set in the old elite universe.

NOTE: the PDF file linked above is copyright to Andy Redman and Rainbird Software, and is provided here without thier authorisation under the terms of EliteWiki's GNU FDL.


Andy Redman


A nice story about a freshly certified pilot's career.


Any commander will instantly be reminded of his/her/it's maidenflight from Lave and the dreams they had when they were still starry-eyed and unjaded by the reality of spaceflight in the 32th century.
Unfortunately unchaptered and the latter part of the story has been poorly proofread, many syntax errors remain. 
An engaging story nonetheless. I don't do grades. A_H

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