Pie Chart Style HUDs

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 17:56, 21 May 2011 by CommonSenseOTB (talk | contribs) (Download)


For many years members of the oolite community have asked for and discussed the possibility of "pie chart style HUDs" with no solution in sight...until now!

CommonSenseOTB proudly presents the following inventions:

Triangle Gauges PCS HUDv2-1.png PCS HUDv2-2.png

Pie Gauges PCS HUDv2-3.png PCS HUDv2-4.png



Current version 2 is a demonstrator of the hud.plist arrays that make up triangle and pie gauges. It contains 4 HUD.oxps illustrating different combinations of those gauges into workable/useable HUDs. Consider version 2 to be the starting point of a whole new series of HUDs. Future version 3 will integrate HUD switching and may feature new arrays.


  • Oolite v1.75.1 or higher.
  • No dependencies.


You have unlimited permission to use these hud.plist arrays as the foundation of your HUDs provided you give fair attribution to the author(CommonSenseOTB). NOW GO AND MAKE SOME AMAZING NEW HUDS!!!


PCS HUDv2 also check here for more Information