Classic Elite sounds

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Revision as of 01:01, 25 October 2010 by DrBeeb (talk | contribs)

The Sounds played during the course of classic Elite game on a BBC Micro can be heard here BBC

The BBC BASIC listing for this video (run on BeebEm3 emulator on a Mac follows):

  5 REM Sounds from (tape) BBC Elite
  6 REM Extracted from disc A4080602
  7 REM From Ian Bell's website
  8 REM 24 Oct 2010, PLB. 
  9 REM -----------------------------
 10 MODE 7
 20 ENVELOPE 1,1, 0,111,-8, 4, 1,  8, 8,-2,0,  -1,112, 44
 30 ENVELOPE 2,1,14,-18,-1,44,32, 50, 6, 1,0,  -2,120,126
 40 ENVELOPE 3,1, 1, -1,-3,17,32,128, 1, 0,0,  -1,  1,  1 
 50 ENVELOPE 4,1, 4, -8,44, 4, 6,  8,22, 0,0,-127,126,  0 
 60 REM Hitting ? gives list of keys
 70 P. "ELITE (tape) Sounds"
 80 P. "HIT: A S X E T U M D H ?"
100 K$=INKEY$(0) 
110 IF K$="A" THEN P. "A - fire A laser  "  : SOUND &12,1,0,&10
120 IF K$="S" THEN P. "S - Struck by laser ": SOUND &12,2,&2C,08
130 IF K$="X" THEN P. "X - eXplosions      ": SOUND &11,3,&F0,&18 : SOUND &10,&F1,7,&1A
140 IF K$="E" THEN P. "E - ECM activated  " : SOUND &13,4,&C2,&14 
150 IF K$="T" THEN P. "T - Target missile  ": SOUND &03,&F1,&BC,01
160 IF K$="U" THEN P. "U - Unarm missile   ": SOUND &13,&F4,&0C,08
170 IF K$="M" THEN P. "M - Missile launched": SOUND &10,&F1,6,&0C
180 IF K$="D" THEN P. "D - Death by docking": SOUND &10,&F1,7,&1A
190 IF K$="H" THEN P. "H - Hyperspace      ": SOUND &10,2,&60,&10
200 IF K$="?" THEN P. "HIT: A S X E T U M D H ?"

The parameters for the Sounds (and envelopes) were extracted from disc A4080602 on Ian Bell's web site and is specific to the BBC tape cassette version of Classic Elite (The hyperspace sound in the Disk version may be slightly different)