Oolite JavaScript Reference: Planet

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Revision as of 15:47, 20 June 2010 by Ahruman (talk | contribs) (Updated for 1.74.)

Prototype: Entity
Subtypes: none

The Planet class is an Entity representing a planet or moon. A Planet has all the properties and methods of a Entity, and several others.



hasAtmosphere : Boolean (read-only)

true if the entity has an atmosphere, false otherwise. Planets created with the System.addMoon() method (or corresponding legacy scripting method) have no atmosphere, other planets do.


isMainPlanet : Boolean (read-only)

true if the entity is the main planet of the current system, false otherwise.


radius : Number (read-only)

The equatorial radius of the planet, in metres.

For reference: radii of main planets generated by Oolite vary between 28160 and 69110 meters. This value is shown on the planet information screen as: 2816 km to 6911 km. (Note the discrepancy of a factor 100.)


texture : String (read/write)

The name of the texture file (diffuse map) used by the planet. This may only be assigned to during the shipWillExitWitchspace and shipWillLaunchFromStation events.

Non-standard Properties

These are not part of the official object model, but are used in various OXPs by the authors to allow manipulation of the OXP by other scripts and expansions. Important: the use of custom properties without a unique OXP-specific prefix is strongly discouraged and may cause conflicts with future versions of Oolite.


solarGasGiant : Boolean (read/write)

true if the entity is a gas giant and should therefore prevent attempts to land on the planet's surface, false otherwise. Created and used by the Planetfall OXP.


isGasGiant : Boolean (read/write)

true if the entity is a gas giant, false otherwise. Created and used by the System Redux 2 OXP.