[hide]What are OXPs?
An OXP (Oolite eXpansion Pack) is an enhancement to the game Oolite. Typically, an OXP is downloaded as a ZIP file, which is expanded and placed in Oolite's AddOns folder. On the Mac the OXP is a shown as an application, which takes the form of the icon shown here. On Windows the OXP appears as a normal folder ending ".oxp". An OXP could be a new game object (such as a ship, space station or a moon), a mission, or a combination of several elements. OXPs can use all of the facilities of Oolite, including some that are not used in the standard, unexpanded game. Whatever your OS, you need to move the OXP into Oolite's AddOns folder. Oolite will only read an OXP if you move the .oxp folder (or Application on the Mac) into Oolite's AddOns folder.
Downloading OXPs
On this page you will find an index of all OXPs and thier downloads. The download will create a .ZIP file. Unzip it and a new folder will appear. Open this folder and you will see a folder ending .oxp and usually a README file. Move the folder ending .oxp into the Oolite AddOns folder. Next time you load up Oolite the new features added by the OXP will be added to the game. Be sure to read the README file, as this will tell you what the OXP does. If you are updating an old version of an OXP on Oolite 1.69.1 onwards, hold down the SHIFT key whilst Oolite loads up for the first time after installing in order to ensure the cache is updated.
Below you will see a set of links to all OXPs in alphabetical order. On the pages opened by these links, the link in the first column will take you to a Wiki Page giving you information on the OXP and a download link. If no Wiki page is currently available for the OXP, the link will take you directly to a download link. The links in the next two columns will take you to Wiki Pages giving information on ships and stations added by the OXP. Many of the Mission OXPs will contain lots of other ships, stations or weapons that are not listed here.
Aside from the alphabetical tables, there is also a link to a list of all the OXPs by category, with their download link broken down by category but without any additional OXP info that is available in the alphabetical list.
Some older OXPs can also be found at The Oolite Satellite Resource Site (Oosat2) or the older Captain Hack OoSat Site (Oosat1). Please note however that neither of these sites have been updated for a long time, nor will they be. All updating is now done on this page of the Wiki. You should use the link shown on this page to get the latest version of the OXP. For example, the versions of Assassins.oxp, Ionics.oxp, Thargoid Wars.oxp and Spyhunter.oxp on the Captain Hack site are old versions (and contain bugs). The links on this page will take you to the latest versions.
Most OXPs are not placed on this site itself but hosted externally. This means when you have problems downloading from a certain host, other OXPs might download without problems.
Index of OXP's
Table of all OXP's Information regarding Oolite's expansion packs, and the latest OXP download links. New OXPs are posted here! | |||||||||
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Installing an OXP
Unzip the OXP and place it in the folder named AddOns. Sometimes the zipped files contain several folders, make sure you only copy the folder -or file for Macintoshes- ending with .oxp into the AddOns folder. This folder is found in different locations, depending on the platform:
Mac OS X
Found in the folder that contains the Oolite application.
Alternatively you can also have the AddOns folder in your user area at ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/. When both places contain an AddOns folder, both contents are read with the content in the user libraries loading last.
Troubleshooting: If you get an error saying "The item could not be moved because "AddOns" cannot be modified", that can happen if you weren't the user that installed Oolite. The solution is to put the OXP's of your choice in ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/ instead (you may need to create this folder). The error could also be triggered because you’re running from the disk image, you’ll need to copy the game somewhere else. Having done so, if you still get the error, use the Get Info command on the AddOns folder, open the Ownership & Permissions pane and check that it says You Can: Read & Write.
The OXP directory can be found in $HOME/.Oolite/AddOns. for all current versions of OOlite
If the installable package was used (post Jan 06) then the AddOns folder needs to be created in C:\Programs Files\Oolite. Note that this applies if the default installation location is used. If the install location is changed then use the path to the Oolite folder that corresponds to your installation. If the GNUStep dedicated versions (pre-Jan 2006) is used, then the AddOns folder must be created in the oolite.app folder.
After unzipping the file, make sure that it is the OXP folder that put into the AddOns directory - some zipped OXPs can contain a top level folder with a readMe file, and the actual OXP folder is a level further down. If this is the case, move the item with the .oxp extension into the AddOns folder.
If you purchase a ship that is an OXP ship and save the game, you will only be able to load that commander as long as this OXP is installed in AddOns. If it's not, Oolite will give you an error instead of trying to load the commander.
Creating an OXP
It is intended to be easy to create expansion packs. With a few simple tools, a player can make small or big changes, and customize the gaming experience.