Oolite JavaScript Reference: Oolite

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Revision as of 13:03, 18 June 2010 by Ahruman (talk | contribs) (Updated for 1.74.)

Prototype: Object
Subtypes: none

The Oolite class represents Oolite itself. It allows scripts to access information about the application. There is a global instance of Oolite, named oolite.



This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.

gameSettings : Object(read-only)

This property allows an OXP to detect various game settings. It has the following read-only properties:

autosave : Boolean
gameWindow : Object (see below)
musicMode : String ("MUSIC_OFF", "MUSIC_ON", or "MUSIC_ITUNES")
procedurallyTexturedPlanets : Boolean
reducedDetailGraphics : Boolean
speechOn : Boolean
wireframeGraphics : Boolean

the gameWindow property contains the following properties:

height : Number
width : Number
fullScreen : Boolean


jsVersion : Number (read-only)

The version of the JavaScript language implemented by this version of Oolite, multiplied by 100, as an integer. For instance, for JavaScript 1.7 (used in Oolite 1.74), this will be equal to 170.


jsVersionString : String (read-only)

The version of the JavaScript language implemented by this version of Oolite, as a string. For instance, for JavaScript 1.7, this will be equal to "1.7".


version : Array (read-only)

The version of Oolite, as an array of version components. For instance, for Oolite 1.74 this is [1, 74]. For version 1.73.4, it is [1, 73, 4].


versionString : String (read-only)

The version of Oolite, as a string. For instance, for Oolite 1.74 this is "1.74". For version 1.73.4, it is "1.73.4".



function compareVersion(versionSpec) : Number

Compare the version of Oolite to versionSpec, which may be either a string or an array (in the format given by version). If the current version of Oolite is less than versionSpec, 1 is returned. If the current version of Oolite is greater than versionSpec, -1 is returned. If they are equal, 0 is returned. Example:

if (0 < oolite.compareVersion("1.80"))
    // Oolite version is older than 1.80.
    log(this.name, "An old version of Oolite (" + oolite.versionString + ") is in use. Some features of SuperDuperOXP will not be available.")
    // Enable advanced features here.