Talk:OXP howto AI
list of lacking method descriptions..
- addFuel
- recallDockingInstructions
- setDestinationToDockingAbort
- markTargetForFines
- patrolReportIn
- messageMother
- groupAttackTarget
- commsMessage
- wormholeEntireGroup
- setDestinationWithinTarget
- setAITo
- findNearestPlanet
- setDestinationFromCoordinates
- setTargetToFoundTarget
- setSpeedFactorTo <-> setSpeedTo
- setDestinationToCurrentLocation
>addFuel LY -> Changes fuellevel (to playership only?) up to 7.0LY or down to 0.0LY. >markTargetForFines 10$ -> Fines target $ credits. >messageMother -> notifies mother by sending message, for example: ATTACKED. >groupAttackTarget -> all ships in group get their target set to this target and performAttack. >wormholeEntireGroup -> same as enterWormhole, but for entire group. >commsMessage -> sends general comms message. >setAITo: someAI.plist -> paused current AI and switches to someAI, when someAI exits, previousAI is restored with message RETURN. >findNearestPlanet -> returns TARGET_FOUND and sets foundTarget to the nearest. Unless no planet. >setTargetToFoundTarget -> Self explanatory, sets the target to the foundTarget found by findSomething methods. >setSpeedFactorTo % -> Sets speed to fraction of topspeed (1=100%), In order to use fuelinjectors set speedfactor above 100%. >setSpeedTo LM-> Set the desired speed to the stated LM number.
setDestinationToSomeWaypoint CurrentLocation -> altitude controll or maintain possition? WithinTarget -> New for missiles? DockingAbort -> A hardcoded waypoint X meters in front of dockingslit coordinates ? FromCoordinates -> Follow with coordinates for exact plotting of route. Arexack