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Short Description
TAF Reset
Utility. Resets the Time Acceleration Factor (TAF) to 1.0 upon docking. Requires Oolite v1.73+.
Taranis Corporation HQ
Taranis Corporation HQ
Mission. Adds the vast orbital Taranis Corporation HQ to the Lerelace system in Galaxy 1. A mission is also available for law abiding Commanders with a rating of Competent or better. You must also have the Outrider OXP installed for this OXP to work properly.
Target Autolock
Equipment. A software update for the standard scanner targeting enhancement equipment that automatically locks onto attacking ships if you have no prior target selected.
Taxi Cab
Taxi Cab
Ship/feature. Adds a non player flyable taxi cab ship to systems.
Teretrurus Mk.I
Teretrurus MK.I
Ships. A medium fighter / trader somewhat faster and tougher than the Cobra Mk III, but with a smaller cargo bay.
Terrapin Trader
Ships. A medium fighter / trader. A good upgrade from the Cobra Mk III.
Ships. A slow, but well shielded trade ship.
Thargoid Carrier
Thargoid Carrier
Ships. Arms the Thargoids with a vast carrier capital vessel. Many OXPs increase the fire-power available to the GalCop Navy. If you chose to play with these OXPs installed, then you should really give the Bugs a chance and allow them access to this mighty craft!
Thargoid Wars V4.4 (Updated)
Mission. War with the Thargoids intensifies featuring new attack and defense missions. To avoid young Jamesons being out-gunned, the OXP missions will run in all Galaxies except Galaxy 1. Updated from the version on Oosat1. It is important that you use the updated version as the old version will clash with many other missions.
Thargorn Threat v1.3 (updated)
Thargoid Terrorizer Frigate Thargoid Thargorn Battleship Thargoid Thorgon Cruiser
Ships. Redresses the game imbalance caused by the number of OXPs arming the Navy with warships. These Thargoid craft are very powerful and re-establish the Thargoid's place as a threat to mankind. Best played with the Behemoth OXP installed, for epic space battles.
Navy Station
Planets / Stations. Adds scenery, including a pulsar, to the Galaxy 1 system of Tianve. A Station orbits the pulsar and fleets of pleasure liners can be seen taking tourists on flights around the pulsar. There are various adverts in the system, along with two extra 'space lanes', one between the planet and the pulsar and another between the pulsar and the witchpoint.
Tiger Mark I
Ships. A truly awesome (and very expensive) multi-role craft.
Tionisla Orbital Graveyard
Feature. Adds the graveyard to the Galaxy 1 system of Tionisla, as described in the Dark Wheel. Long dead Commanders are buried in their rusting ships amongst monuments, Stars of David, Crucifixes and other religious symbols. Security patrols will make short work of any Commander foolish enough to desecrate the tombs.
Torus Station
Torus Station
Stations. Adds a vast 2001 style space station to very high tech level systems.
Total patrol
Feature. Replaces the default police AIs with a totalPatrolAI which lets police ships patrol between all three major points of the system: planet, witchpoint and sun.
Trade Outpost v1.1
Trade Outpost
Griff trade outpost without ads.
Traffic Control
Station upgrade. Adds traffic control personnel to each system main station. They are happy to talk new Commanders (and older ones who've got too reliant on Docking Computers and then lost them) through approaching and manual docking with the station. There's even a cheery goodbye when you leave, just don't dawdle and block the station approach lane!
Trans-Hab Station
Transhab Station
Stations. Adds a large station with rotating arms to some medium tech level systems.
CoachWhip Coral Woma
Ships. Adds more variety to the game. Passenger liners can be seen in the space lanes of the safer systems transporting paying customers to their destinations. Also features Moray Transporters and Large Woma fuel tankers to bring much needed supplies and fuel to space stations.
Trident Down
Mission. A series of missions set in Galaxy 4 involving the investigation of a vicious attack on an Trident Shuttle operated by Executive SpaceWays.