Cargo Wreck Teaser OXP

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Revision as of 16:23, 11 October 2009 by Eric Walch (talk | contribs) (Updated version number)


Cargo Wreck Teaser
Author Arexack Heretic

Created by Arexack as part of an ongoing project to insert greater variety into the wonderfull Ooniverse.

This oxp contains new cargopods, fuelpods and other riches to be 'found' in the depths of space. By adding this oxp Oolite has a bigger pool to select its cargo barrels from.

Minimum requirement Oolite 1.63

(release date version 1.5, October 2009)

Download Link

Download Cargo Wreck Teaser 1.5.1

Version History

v 1.4: Added all legacy scripting with java script. Oolite 1.65 will still use the old scripting system while the newer Oolite versions will use the JS scripts.
v 1.5: Prepared for the new cargo awarding system in post 1.73 Oolite.

Installing and Playing

To play the OXP, unzip the download file. This will create a folder named "Cargo_Wreck_Teaser xxx". Open this folder and you will see a folder named "Cargo_Wreck_Teaser xxx.oxp" and a readme. Move the Cargo_Wreck_Teaser xxx.oxp folder to AddOns. As with all OXPs, its the folder ending .oxp that you need to put in Oolite's AddOns folder, otherwise Oolite will not read it.