Oolite JavaScript Reference: SoundSource

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Revision as of 00:01, 3 October 2009 by Ahruman (talk | contribs) (<code>playSound</code>)

Prototype: Object
Subtypes: none

This class was added in Oolite test release 1.71.

A SoundSource is an abstract object that can play a sound. A given SoundSource can only be playing one sound at a particular time.

Sound Expressions

Several SoundSource properties and methods can take either Sound object, or a string representing a file name or a customsounds.plist key.



isPlaying : Boolean (read-only)

true if the sound is currently playing, false otherwise.


loop : Boolean (read/write)

true if the sound source should loop its sound, false otherwise. Changing this while a sound is playing does not affect the currently-playing sound; it only takes effect when the sound source starts playing.

See Also: repeatCount


repeatCount : Integer (read/write)

The number of times the sound should repeat, if loop is false, ranging from 1 to 100. Unlike loop, this can usefully be changed while the sound is playing, and repeatCount will be decremented each time the sound is repeated.

See Also: loop


sound : soundExpression (read/write)

The sound to be played by this sound source. You can assign either a Oolite JavaScript Reference: Sound or a string to this property, but when you read it it will always be a Oolite JavaScript Reference: Sound object (or null).



play([count : Integer])

Start playing sound. If count is specified, repeatCount is set to count first. If the sound source is currently playing a sound, it is stopped.

See Also: playOrRepeat(), playSound()



If a sound is not playing, starts playing. If a sound is playing and is not looping, increases repeatCount by one.

See Also: play()


play(sound : soundExpression [, count : Integer])

Set sound (and, optionally, repeatCount) and start playing.

See Also: play()



Stop playing sound.