Fuel Tank

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Revision as of 04:00, 1 September 2009 by Commander Learner (talk | contribs) (Overview)


This is a disposable internal fuel tank available from all medium and high-tech shipyards. Fitted in place of a bomb or missile in a ship's weapons bay, each tank holds 3.0ly of witchdrive fuel that may be transferred to the main tanks at the push of a button.

The fuel tank is ideal for freighter pilots facing long, non-stop voyages, but can be equally useful to any ship owner as an emergency reserve.

To use the Fuel Tank efficiently when you are on a long journey like from Ceerdi to Birera, buy about 3 tanks and hyperspace to the next planet. There, if a Fuel Station is nearby, then fuel up and hyperspace again. If no Fuel Stations are present, use the Fuel Tank to top up and hyperspace if you can, or Inject(Use the Witchdrive Fuel Injectors) your way to the space station.


The Fuel Tank is available in the Fuel Tank OXP