PS Lave Abgosobe sitesof Esxegeat

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The planet scanner is a work in progress for Oolite. 
Violations with other versions of Canon are expected. 
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Galaxy 1 : Lave System : Lave Lave : Esxegeat sites

Tertiary sites (on Lave planet Lave) of Esxegeat, starting with most significant:
# 532. Moderately high activity at remote outpost Ipelxafa, a dependent of the Nation of Esxegeat.
Elevation 62 m, Long : 158.37 E/W, Lat : -72.629 N/S
Area (0.71 km)^2 , Prod = 42.9 Cr Pop 10 (Human Colonials)
TL : -21 No space-faring technology identified. Maybe downed pilots to rescue at this location?
Local Politics : Represented recognized Feudal, Economics : Very limited
Description : Removed due to commercial dispute.


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