Aquatics OXP

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Revision as of 19:26, 26 September 2008 by Thargoid (talk | contribs) (OVERVIEW)
The Manta Ray in flight.


My first OXP, introducing the product line from the Aquarian Shipbuilding Corporation of Aqualine in Galaxy 3.

A new range of ships for a wide variety of uses and credit accounts.


  • Manta Ray - Fast and agile fighter interceptor. Often used by Galcop and the Military. Available to the player.
  • Shark - Lighter but no less agile escort fighter. Usually seen escorting larger ships. Available to the player.
  • Man O' War - Large general purpose courier ship. Normally escorted by a squad of Box Escort fighters.
  • Box Escort - Short range fighter escort, usually seen accompanying Man O' War craft.
  • Conger - Heavy cargo hauler, carrying up to 100 tons of cargo between four rotating cargo holds.
  • Hawksbill - Bulk fuel tanker. Always escorted by a squadron of Shark fighters due to the value and temptation of its cargo as a target.


Aquatics v1.02 can be downloaded from my webspace by clicking on the link.


Thargoid's OXP page.