
From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 18:42, 16 September 2008 by Drew (talk | contribs) (Introduction)
Can you create a better cover? See the competition


This is a short story based on Oolite, the sequel to 'Status Quo' by Drew Wagar

"When a series of linked murders forces GalCop to outlaw the shadow organisation known as 'The Dark Wheel', a mysterious top secret document must be found in order to stave off a Galactic conflict. The document contains a devastating secret; the key to power, domination and control. A secret as old as space itself, the location of the legendary planet Raxxla."

Readers are welcome to submit feedback and comments to the author via his website.


A competition to design a cover for the book is currently running. For rules and details on how to enter, please refer to this thread. The winner will see their artwork on the cover of the book, and as with Status Quo, this will be available as a hardcopy via Cafepress.

Feedback so far

Cracking start - I'm hooked already!

Ohh. That was brilliant. I really like the tension that builds up at the end of the chapter.

Absolutely superb! A gripping plot from the start, characters and scenes that are the result of a very creative imagination and lucidly expressed. Can't wait for the next chapter!

Excellent! Love it. I eagerly await the next chapter!

Downloads / Hardcopy

The first chapter of Mutabilis can be downloaded from here.

Chapter Two will be available on the 21st of September.


None available yet.