Oolite JavaScript Reference: Mission

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 12:51, 25 June 2008 by Eric Walch (talk | contribs) (added key explanations)


choice : String (read/write)

The most recently selected choice from the mission screen. The empty string "None" is used for no choice. Important: in future versions, null will be used to indicate no choice. A choice can be cleared by setting mission.choice = null. This clearing will trigger the missionChoiceWasReset handler.


function addMessageTextKey(messageKey : String)

Sets the dictionary key for the mission screen text. "messageKey" is the key of an entry in missiontext.plist. Must be called after showMissionScreen.

function setBackgroundImage(backgroundImage : String)

Specifies a background image to be shown at the mission screen. "backgroundImage" is the filename of a picture in the "Images" folder. Must be called before showMissionScreen.

function setChoicesKey(choicesKey : String)

Specifies the choices to be shown at the mission screen. "choicesKey" is the key of an entry in missiontext.plist. Must be called after showMissionScreen.

function setInstructionsKey(descriptionKey : String, [worldScript : String])

Sets the dictionary key of the text to put on the manifest screen (usually short instructions for current missions. F5-F5). When not called from within the worldScript, the script name has to be specified additionally.

function setMusic(musicKey : String)

Specifies a music file to be played at the mission screen. "musicKey" is the filename of a music file in the "Music" folder. Must be called before showMissionScreen.

function showMissionScreen()

Shows the mission screen. Due to implementation details musicKey, backgroundImage and shipKey must be set before this method is called, but messageKey and choicesKey must be set after this method is called.

function showShipModel(shipKey : String)

Specifies a ship model to be displayed on the mission screen. "shipKey" is the role of a ship in shipData.plist. Must be called before showMissionScreen. (Open issue: why is this a method rather than a write-only property? --ahruman)

function runMissionScreen(messageKey : String, backgroundImage : String, choiceKey : String, shipKey : String, musicKey : String)

This is the recommended way to set up a missionscreen. It does all the setup or clearing of the Key's. Strictly spoken it is not a method but a JS routine that calls the appropriate methods in the right order. After setting up and showing the missionscreen it clears the keys. e.g. mission.runMissionScreen("myMessage", null, "myChoices") will display a missionscreen with "myMessage" and wil give the choices of "myChoices". Any previous defined background image as well as rotating ships and music, is cleared.

function markSystem(systemNumbers : Number, ...)

Mark the listed systems on the long range chart; for example, mission.markSystem(4, 54, 222) will mark system numbers 4, 54, and 222. Note: eventually this will be deprecated for syntax along the lines of currentGalaxy.systems[4].marked = false;, but this form should continue to work.

function unmarkSystem(systemNumbers : Number, ...)

Remove the marks from the listed systems on the long range chart; for example, mission.unmarkSystem(4, 54) will unmark system numbers 4, and 54.